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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science (IJRIAS) | Volume VI, Issue IX, September 2021|ISSN 2454-6194

The Accessibility of Assistive Technology for Students with Disabilities in Higher Learning Institutions: A case of the University of Dar-es-Salaam in Tanzania

Ngonyani, J. C1, Mnyanyi, C. B2
1Department of Information and Communication Technology, Tanzania Public Service College, Tanzania.
2Department of Psychology and Special Education, The Open University of Tanzania, Tanzania.

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract: The paper reports the findings of an investigation into the accessibility of assistive technology (AT) used by students with disabilities (SWD) in higher learning institutions (HLIs) in Tanzania. The descriptive study used a cross-section design. The study involved a total of 173 participants; 18 management officials, 35 trainers, and 120 students, including 33 SWD including students with visual impairment (ten), five students with low vision, seven students with physical disabilities, three students with albinism, seven students with hearing impairment, and one student with speech impairment. The study revealed the presence of AT distributed to SWD accordingly. The challenges included inadequate and deficiencies in some of the AT devices, shortages of staff with knowledge and skills to do maintenance, difficulties in adopting new AT, the high cost of AT devices, inadequate training, and a shortage of AT training opportunities among staff and SWD. The study suggests the allocation of enough budgets to purchase more AT, empower, extend and build the internal industries to manufacture AT devices and employ more AT trainers and internal experts for maintenance and repair of the AT that will ensure the constant availability of fully functional AT devices.

Keywords: Accessibility of Assistive Technology, Assistive Technology, Students with Disabilities, Higher Learning Institutions


Technological advancement does support Persons with Disabilities (PWD) by inventing different tools for assisting them to be integrated to simplify activities that would have been impossible. Such technological tools enable the adaptation of people with special needs and disabilities in all fields including learning institutions and workplaces. These technologies create a supportive environment for people with special needs and disabilities to access education and contribute to the labour market thereby developing a more independent life for themselves (Martínez, 2011). It is by using AT whereby deliberate efforts to enable SWD to have access, integrated and enhanced with active participation in the teaching-learning process as well as have opportunity to compete in all aspects of life is made possible.

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