International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume III, Issue XI, November 2019 | ISSN 2454–6186
Muhammad Arifin Efendi, Riswandi, Syarifuddin Dahlan
Lampung University, Indonesia
Abstract: – This study aim is to produce products such as media android based applications for career information services on the learner SMAN 6 Bandar Lampung. This research is development. Subjects were taken in this study using the technique of random as many as 26 learners in SMAN 6 Bandar Lampung. Data collection using questionnaires and observation. Analysis of the data used to use conversion guidelines assessment scores into five categories to see the differences between the mean pretest and posttest mean then performed paired samples Test. Products that dihasil own validation subject matter experts, expert design, and media experts, each of which states that the product is eligible for ujicobakan after the revision. The results of the small group trial, limited testing and field trials produce products in very good criteria. Furthermore, the products produced in the form of Android-based applications have a significant efficacy for career information services. This is confirmed by the results of Test paired samples were obtained 38437 t count> t table 2086 thus then, Ho is rejected and Ha accepted, which means that there is an increasing before and after using android based applications for career information services.
Keywords: android-based applications, various types of professions, career information services
Service information is guidance and counseling services that enable learners to receive and understand a variety of information that can be used as a material consideration and decision-making for the benefit of learners (ZainalAqib 2012: 80). Service information is a service of guidance for the provision of information, explanation and guidance. If seen from the explanation of the information service could mean that the services are all sources of information to get all the science and knowledge we need.