International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science (IJRIAS) |Volume VIII, Issue IV, April 2023|ISSN 2454-6194
Rasha, S. Abdel-Hak1, Shimaa, R. Hamed2, Saleh, M.M.S.1, Merwad, M.A.1
1Pomology Dept., Biological and Agricultural Research Institute, National Research Centre El-Buhouth St., Dokki, Cairo, Egypt
2Microbial Biotechnology Dept., Biotechnology Research Institute, National Research Centre El-Buhouth St., Dokki, Cairo, Egypt
Received: 21 March 2023; Revised: 30 March 2023; Accepted: 04 April 2023; Published: 10 May 2023
Abstract: This investigation included two integrated experiments, the first one is the microbiological experiment that carried out in Microbial Biotechnology Department, NRC, Cairo, Egypt, where multiple incorporation strategies were used for production zinc oxide Nanoparticles by enrichment of yeast with zinc including; (1): In the first procedure, zinc was added to the liquid medium just after the yeast was inoculated (growth phase), (2): For integration, it was added after 24 h of incubation (non-growth phase) in the second procedure. The obtained results showed that the first method (growth phase) was adopted in order to reduce the chance of medium contamination. Zinc sulphate has no passive effect on yeast cell biomass. The second experiment is horticultural one which was done in National Research Centre greenhouse on Flame seedless grape seedlings which included five treatments as follows: control (spraying with water only), frozen yeast enriched with zinc (as foliar spray), active yeast enriched with zinc (as foliar spray), frozen yeast enriched with zinc (as soil application) and active yeast enriched with zinc (as soil application). When zinc content in the grape leaves as ppm was examine after 15 days, the results showed that active fresh yeast enriched with zinc that treated as foliar spray recorded the highest rate of zinc in grape leaves (180 ppm), followed by active fresh yeast enriched with zinc as soil application which recorded 170.8 ppm. On the other hand, the untreated plants (control) showed the lowest value of zinc in the leaves (91.6 ppm) when compared with the other treatments.
Keywords: Grape, Yeast, ZnO NPs, Bio-fertilizer, foliar spray, soil application
I. Introduction
Grape (Vitis vinifera L.) is one of the most significant commercial fruit crops grown in temperate and tropical areas of the world. It is primarily consumed as fresh fruit and ranks as Egypt’s second-largest fruit crop. The farmed area has developed fast in the last two decades due to its strong net return, reaching 172.533 feddans that producing 1586342 tones (FAO, 2020).
The ground water is impacted by excessive fertilizer use, which also causes eutrophication in aquatic habitats. Recently more natural, risk-free, and affordable additives have received a lot of attention. Yeast has become a popular issue in academia as it is harmless, nourishing, and easy to use. It is a type of fresh yeast with high biological activity or brewer’s yeast-based soluble paste or powder.