International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume III, Issue VIII, August 2019 | ISSN 2454–6186
The Bureaucratic Values for the Regional Development
Abdul Rahim, Zaffar Iqbal
Alhamd Islamic University, Pakistan
Abstract: This paper defines the definition of Bureaucracy with its academic evaluation and impact of Bureaucratic hierarchy with the power of proactive participation of Bureau in Society. it clarifies the historical background and the rule of bureaucracy in structuring the Government Policies with its implementation plan. The goals of bureaucratic values in comparison of Modern debate on bureaucracy with its components. The power of Bureaucracy is focusing point to get limit the power and its critical values which reflects the wreck of the development and it moves to the personal confliction. The maximum misuse of power for attaining the personal targets is to misconduct the power and delivers the corruption at all levels. The bureaucratic hierarchy is redefined for the attainment of purposeful effects. The prime objectives of bureaucracy I to s put forwards the theoretical value so as to be instigated.
Key words: Institution control, Political power, Bureaucratic Power & Goals, Institutional Hierarchy.
Norendra K.Singhi ( 1974 ) exposes the meaning of Bureaucracy in context of cloth covering the desk in French Government in 18th century. It plays significant role in Democratic government to facilitate the citizens as well as it works in Aristocratic Government for strengthening the Government status through linking the government and Society. The official activities for the welfare of the Public through Paper work with the reference of Governing rules which are dictated by the Institution. The filing data collection, which remains corresponding system and divert approval to the dictation for the further implementation steps by the executives of concern department. The rational of the constant Authority is also arbitrating the Bureaucracy that reflect the performance of the Governing body either Political based or Aristocratic body. The certainty of rules which are organized and it defines an obstacle providing by the improper management diverts the position of Bureaucratic approach for the developed region. Bureaucracy is a technical working phase with the capacity of effectiveness in rational work. The legal process of doing work in accordance of higher to lower in written form, is an obligation to operational status of Bureaucracy. (Norendra K.Singhi 1974 :p-05)