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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume VI, Issue III, March 2022 | ISSN 2454–6186

The Church as A Pathway to National Rebirth in Nigeria: A Reflection on Matthew 5:13.

Ogunlusi Clement Temitope (Phd) & Aina Oluwatobi Opeyemi
Ekiti State University, Ado- Ekiti, Department of Religious Studies

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract: The work studied how the Church could serve as a pathway to national rebirth with emphasis on Matt 5: 13-16. Using analytical and descriptive methods, the paper discussed the theological implications of the Church being salt and light in the context of Nigeria. The metaphorical parlance and symbolic understanding of these elements of light and salt both in the Biblical and social world is not only significant but instructive. For instance, salt is a sign of covenant while light is a sign of orderliness and progress. In other words, salt preserves while light is a guide and could also be a warning light. In the face of endemic corruption, bad leadership, lack of value for human life, materialism, greed, covetousness, worldly pleasure, instant glory through rituals among young people and the likes that are prevalent in contemporary Nigeria, one then wonders what impact Churches are making in the country. Jesus enjoined his followers to “let their light shine before others, so that they may see their good works and give glory to the father in heaven (Matt. 5:16). The work therefore emphasized areas where the Church in Nigeria can make appreciable impacts and further explained that even though our society is corrupt and full of abominable things, the Church must be the salt and the light. This it maintains could be achieved if she retained her distinctiveness, stand for and speak out the truth, protest against folly, deceit and wickedness. The paper recommended that the Church should rise to the challenge of Matt 5:13-16 in order to achieve a successful national rebirth.

Keywords: National Rebirth, Church, Light, Salt, Pathway, Nigeria


Ever since the advent of Christianity, as well as some other religions of note, the Church has always been a beacon of hope, rebirth and development in any society. A great example of this assertions from the early centuries of Christianity talking about the trend from Constantine and through to the Middle Ages, the Church has brought unprecedented growth and civilization to nations and humanity. In the course of history also, has stood as an arbiter of justice, restoration, peaceful co-existence and development. History bears witness to the fact that western world owes much of its achievements, as propelled by its disposition and obedience, to the Church.
Meanwhile, it is very glaring too that in the past two centuries that the western society is moving away from its obedience and commitment to the Church, it has come to experience, in a fast speed, a decline not only in morality but also in physical developments. Even when it can be said that there are advancements in technology and medicine but the godlessness accompany these wonderful advancements is leading the world away from sanity into insanity. It is very important for the world to know that the providential arrangements and divine touch in creation and humanity are not a mistake. Rather it is the gradual drift of the world away from that divine touch or divine influence, in the name of civilization, that is responsible for the degradation being experienced in the world today. It is high time for the world, in spite of its technological advancement, to once again look back or even return to the path of that incorporation or partnership with the touch of the divine that always comes from the Church in its activities.
It is on this note that this paper revisits the recommend of Jesus two millennia back that the Church is the salt and the light of the world, that is, the pathway to always put the world on the sweet, tasty and the right path. Doubtlessly, when the touch of the salt is lost upon any preparation, the deck is completely lost. When the touch of the light is lost, sight, direction and guide is lost and then the man is incomplete. Hence, to undervalue or underestimate the Church’s intervention in the Nigerian affairs may mean a delay in the wheel of progress. It is the position of this paper therefore that the nation Nigeria cannot jettison the Church’s influence on its process of rebirth and development.




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