International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume V, Issue VIII, August 2021 | ISSN 2454–6186
The Computer Science Final Year Project: a time to mentor.
Oluwatoyin Adelakun-Adeyemo
Department of Computer Science,
Bingham University, Nigeria
Abstract: Final Year Project (FYP) is an important component of higher education degrees which helps to consolidate students’ learning by providing an opportunity for applying a broad range of knowledge to a real life problem while developing other useful skills. Students work in close proximity with their assigned supervisors who guide them on a learning path during their project work. Research claims that the quality of overall outcome is dependent on the supervisor/student relationship. The results of the survey found that students who had a good experience during their FYP were more likely to continue in computing and IT careers. MentorNet, an online mentoring platform is analysed and e-mentoring platform similar to MentorNet to support IT human capital development in Nigeria is recommended.
Keywords: Final Year Project, Mentoring, IT human capital, Final Year Learning Experience, computing education, gender issues in computing
In Nigeria, students study for a period of 4 or 5 years to obtain a HND or a BSc in the computing field (computer science or information technology being the most popular programme titles). The curriculum is broad based and in the last semester of their studies, students are required to produce a substantial piece of work to show case their knowledge. This is encapsulated under a course usually titled “Final Year Project” , “Individual Project” or simply “Project”(Salem University, 2011). The Final Year Project (FYP) is an important part of the Computer Science, Information technology and similar ICT higher education degrees both in Nigeria and around the world because it gives the student an opportunity to work on real life problems and apply all the knowledge that must have been gained in the course of his studies (Thomas, 2008) and more.
The aim of higher education is to breed professionals in a particular field of study(Pillai, 2011). In deed the final year project is seen as the highlight of the student’s studies as he is given the opportunity to produce something original, unique and creative. A piece of work that is entirely his/her own creation. This idea is best captured by the fact that in the United States and some Asian countries, the final project is called a “capstone” project (Thomas, 2008).The dictionary defines capstone as “the high point: crowning achievement”(Marriam-Webster, 2015). To this end, the FYP can be taken as a showcase of the student’s knowledge and skills in the field A showcase of those acquired in the previously and those developed and correctly applied on the FYP.