International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume IV, Issue IX, September 2020 | ISSN 2454–6186
Heni Pratiwi, Trisnaningsih, Sugeng Widodo.
Magister Program of Social Study Education, University of Lampung, Indonesia
Abstract: The development of teaching materials based on the Schoology application of the Indonesian Ethnic Diversity Material. Purpose: This study aims to develop dynamic teaching materials by utilizing technology in the form of a Schoology application that can improve student learning outcomes. Methods: This study uses a development method by using the ADDIE model development steps, with data collection techniques in the form of product feasibility tests and student learning outcomes tests. Results: Teaching materials with Schoology application-based were suitable as teaching materials for learning in schools and were effective in improving student learning outcomes by increasing the average score of 30 students from 54 to 85. Conclusion: Schoology application-based teaching materials were a good choice as a supporting media in the learning process at school.
Keywords: Teaching materials, schoology applications, development research.
The development of the 21st century is marked by the use of technology and communication in all areas of life. This includes education and learning. The context of the use of information and communication technology in the world of education has been proven by the narrowing and melting of the “space and time” factors, which have been the determining aspects of the speed and success of science by human [3].