RSIS International

The Economic and Social Life of Underage Married Woman in Neglasari Village

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume IV, Issue III, March 2020 | ISSN 2454–6186

The Economic and Social Life of Underage Married Woman in Neglasari Village

Dania Evirianti, Trisnaningsih, Pargito
Master of Social Science Education, FKIP Universitas Lampung, Indonesia

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract: This study aims to describe the social life and economic life of underage married woman in Neglasari Village. The research method uses qualitative methods, the respondent of this study are the village head and 10 underage married woman of 2018 in Neglasari village which aged <16 years. The results of this study concluded 1) The social life of underage married woman which regard to education and social interaction indicators obtained the following results: (a) As general, the level of education was on low-educated, they only finished the elementary and junior high school graduates without continuing the education or dropping out of school. (b) Social interaction was not good enough because less of social interaction process among children, family, friends and environment, besides in life-after marriage, underage married woman were more often quarreled due to lack of maturity and ways of thinking in addressing life problems after marriage. 2) The economic life of underage married woman with sub-indicators such as income, residence statue, and economic dependence level obtained the following results: (a) Income was on low category, it could be seen by the average income that below the minimum wage in Lampung Province about <Rp 1,908,477. (b) The residence statue category was evidenced by mostly being more dominant, living with parents after marriage. (c) The level of economic dependence on parents was high, it was evidenced by all economic, social and residential needs that were still borne by parents after marriage.

Keywords: Life, Marriage, Social and Economy.


Marriage is a great institution to bind two opposite sex in one family bond. Referring to Law Number 1 of 1974 concerning marriage Article 7 paragraph 1, the measurement of maturity is implemented with an age limit that must be met as a condition for someone to get married. The age limit is 16 (sixteen) years for woman brides-to-be and 19 (nineteen) years for man brides-to-be. In practice there are still irregularities where many couples was involved in underage married.