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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) |Volume VI, Issue X, October 2022|ISSN 2454-6186

The Effect of E-CRM and Artificial Intelligence on Sales Performance Through Digital Marketing (Empirical Study on Customers of PT XYZ in Jakarta)

Rian Adriansah*, Mombang Sihite, Fahruddin Salim
Postgraduate Directorate, Magister of Management, Pancasila University, Jakarta, Indonesia
*Corresponding author

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract: The increasingly high competition in the pay-TV industry in Indonesia requires hard efforts to increase customer loyalty to the products or services provided. Several things can affect customer loyalty, ranging from differences in packages offered, package prices, image quality, attractive impressions, installation promos, and so on. This competition demands that companies can quickly adapt to changes that occur so that companies will be able to compete with their competitors. The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of E-CRM and artificial intelligence on digital marketing and their impact on sales performance. This researchs uses a causal-quantitative approach. The sample in this study is XYZ product customers who are in Jakarta with a total of 150 customers. This research method uses Structural Equation Model (SEM) with SmartPLS. The results show that E-CRM and Artificial intelligence affect Digital marketing. E-CRM (Electronic Customer Relationship Management) is a business and technology concept that is supported by information systems to integrate all business processes that interact with customers. By increasing. E-CRM and Digital marketing affect sales performance. However, the Artificial intelligence variable shows no significant effect on sales performance. The use of Artificial intelligence has not been able to create an increase in sales performance.

Keywords: E-CRM, Artificial Intelligence, Sales Performance, Digital Marketing


Pay-TV business (satellite and cable television) is growing rapidly. In 2009, the number of pay-TV subscribers in Indonesia was only 920 thousand subscribers. This number continues to grow and is expected to grow by 7% in 2014 to 2.5 million subscribers. (Hanadian Nurhayati-Wolff (2019) This growth rate will grow significantly to 9% in 2020 with a total number of pay-TV subscribers reaching 3.8 million. The population in Indonesia is very potential with a population of 245 million people, gross domestic product (GDP) per capita of 4,300 US dollars (Rp 34.4 million), and TV ownership reaching 35 million. From its growth, the Indonesian market is dynamic and has good prospects. In 2006, the growth of pay-TV in Indonesia was the highest in the Asia Pacific, which was around 30%-40%. This figure is much higher than Japan at 10%, Singapore at 13%, and Thailand at 7% (, 2020).

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