International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume V, Issue VII, July 2021 | ISSN 2454–6186
Hastings Munyenyembe
School of Business and Management, Ph.D., Texila American University-Zambia
Abstract: Poverty and unemployment are the major problems of any under developed countries, to which Zambia is no exception. The rate of growth of women and youth employment in less developed countries is very low. This is because of the low growth rate of new and productive employment. However, the more attractive scheme trying to solve poverty matrix with less effort is “Self Help Group” (SHG). Self Help Group is a tool to remove poverty and improve the women entrepreneurship and financial support. It is a small economically homogeneous affinity group of the rural poor women voluntarily coming together to save a small amount of money regularly, which is deposited in a common fund to meet members emergency needs and to provide collateral free loans decided by the group. Self Help Groups enhances the equality of status of women as participants, decision-makers and beneficiaries in the democratic, economic, social and cultural spheres of life. This study is mainly focusing on the Self Help Group formation, women entrepreneurship and economic empowerment of women after them joining Self Help Groups in Katete district, Eastern Province – Zambia. Katete district women development association (KDWDA) is one of the pioneers for the implementation of the development of women in Katete rural areas. Presently there are 7 Clusters in Katete district consisting of 70 Self Help Groups. Of these, the best five villages were selected for this study, because the SHGs in these villages were functioning in a very successful manner. There are 1, 190 members from 70 Self Help Groups in Katete district. Among them, a total of 80 respondents were selected based on 5 members from each SHG of the selected four clusters by using convenient sampling method.
Key words: Self Help Group, Rate of Growth of women, Youth Employment, Rural investment, and Social Wellbeing.
The self-help group (SHG) approach is a new paradigm into the field of rural development in Zambia which main objectives are to increase the well-being of the poor people, provide access to resources and credit, increase self-confidence, self-esteem and increase their creditability in all aspects of lives. This concept was introduced by Care International working in collaboration with local NGOs such as Katete District Women Development Association (KDWDA), COMACO, and government line ministries in the Year 2010. While the groups have continued operating under the support of NGOs and government ministries, little research has been done to ascertain the Effectiveness of these SHGs on social economic wellbeing of women folks in Katete district.
Self-help group is a voluntary and self-managed group of women, belonging to similar socio-economic characteristics, who come together to promote savings among themselves. The poverty alleviation intervention of the SHG is in the form of undertaking economic programmes to provide employment, giving micro finance services to the poor so that they can get