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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume VI, Issue VIII, July 2022 | ISSN 2454–6186

The Effects of Hiring Person with Disabilities to the Overall Performance of Restaurant

Andrea Grace Laguna (Laguna) 1, John Michael Binauhan (Binauhan) 1, Kaye Erlano (Erlano) 1, Kayla Reigne Nichole Alfonso (Alfonso) 1, Khyla Mae Domingo (Domingo) 1, (Sgd) Assoc. Prof. Shery1 Morales (Morales) 2
1Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Major in Human Resource Management, Polytechnic University of the Philippines – Quezon City Branch, Philippines
2Research Management Office, Polytechnic University of the Philippines – Quezon City, Philippines (Thesis Adviser)

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract: In accordance with Republic Act 7277 (Magna Carta for Disabled Persons) and Republic Act 10524, it was stated that at the minimum one per cent of the positions in government agencies, offices, and businesses must be reserved for individuals with impairments. Despite the law’s full recognition, uninvited obstacles still affect the hiring of the disabled. Some workplaces are still hesitant to hire them as a negative stigma that they may adversely affect the company’s overall performance is rampant.
The narrative and phenomenology methods were used to examine the perspectives of restaurant managers who supervise disabled employees and customers’ responses to the services of disabled individuals. The investigators conducted both online and in-person interviews. The responses were organized into themes using thematic analysis.
Based on the study, the negative impression of hiring persons with impairments has hindered assessing the potential of disabled persons. Due to that, the researchers conducted a series of interviews to measure the effectivity rate of persons with disability in a restaurant setting. The study showed positive feedback on the overall performance from the managers and the customers. Thus, allowing the disabled person to be justified and treated in accordance with the present laws of employing PWDs.
Keywords: Disabilities, Workplace, Performances, PWD, Employers, Employee
The passing of the Republic Act. 7277 or the Magna Carta for people with disability guaranteed the proper incentives and services offered to fully participating people in society. In 2013 and 2016, the Magna Carta was amended to provide equal employment opportunities for PWDs. Despite the recognition of this stigma, unsolicited barriers still exist that make people with these conditions isolated and insecure. People with disabilities encounter profound exclusion in the workplace. According to the Magna Carta, Only 36% of people with disabilities of working age are employed, according to data from 91 nations and territories spread across eight geographical areas.
The COSP15 or the Conference State of Parties, these are the individuals and organizations that unifies for the sake of implementation the rights of persons with disabilities, examines the economic empowerment of persons with disabilities, which is the ability of individuals with disabilities to effect real change and participate in society by engaging on equal terms in the labor markets. It permits individuals with