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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume III, Issue II, February 2019 | ISSN 2454–6186

The Effects of Market Location on Traffic Flow in Lagos State


IJRISS Call for paper

Department of Geography and Planning, Lagos State University, Ojo, Lagos, Nigeria.

Abstract:-Markets playscrucial role in the economic life of the people, and they are essential in the distribution of commodity, however pointed out that the rapid growth of urban centres has generated management problems. The most important of these problems are the encroachment of the open spaces environment and health issues including solid waste management, water supply, housing, traffic congestion and water pollution respectively. This research is however aimed at identifying the significant impact of commercial activities on traffic flow on Lagos road in order to in order to recommend ways to curtail the menace.To achieve the aim and objectives hypotheses were formulated. In order to validate the hypotheses regression statistical tools was used. Regression estimates the coefficients of the linear equation, involving one or more independent variables that best predict the value of the dependent variable. The first hypothesis reveals a low coefficient of determination. This can be seen from R-squared of 0.24. The R-squared reports that the independent variables can explain 24 per cent of total variation in the influence of the market in traffic flow in the area, while 76% are accounted for by other variables other than the market location, where some of the traffic are influenced by the non-availability of parking space by the banks and other parameters.The second hypothesis reveals an average coefficient of determination; this can be seen from R-squared of 0.672, which reveals the market location will have 67% impact on traffic flow in the area, while the other 33% of the traffic gridlock in the area is not as a result of the presence of the market, the research thus reveals the market is greatly influencing traffic flow in the area.
The research however revealed that most of the shops and banks along the road are with small or no parking space, which thus result to their customer parking along the road, thereby inhibiting the free flow of traffic in the area. It can however be concluded that market location has negatively affected traffic flow in the study area, as the road thus not only lead to the market but connects with other places such as Ajangbadi, Shibiri etc., the road has been nightmare to motorist as enough provision is not made for parking which may be as a result of land use conversion, the available parking space is not properly utilized by motorist as they consider it too expensive, thereby causing many of the buyers to park their vehicles by the road side which invariably leads to traffic in the area.

Keywords: Transport, commuter, commercial activities, traffic jam

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