International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume V, Issue IV, April 2021 | ISSN 2454–6186
The Efficacy Of Traditional Institutions In Conflict Resolution: Ife-Modakeke Communal Fracas In Focus
Professor Abdulraufambali1, Ibrahim O. Salawu (Phd)2, Zubairganiyu Adebayo3
1,2Department Of Politics And Governance, Kwara State University, Malete
3Department Of Political Science, Summit University, Offa, Kwara State
The conflict between the Ife and Modakeke appears to be a protracted and seemingly intractable intra-ethnic conflict that has continued to put two groups of the same ethnic background against one another. This study, therefore examined the efficacy of traditional institutions in conflict resolution, with a specific reference to Ife-Modakeke communal fracas. The study found that the major causes of the conflict between Ife and Modakeke group include hatred and discrimination, local government, religion, resource control, argument over boundary among others. This study discovered that one of the shortcomings of the past methods of managing the Ife-Modakeke conflict is inability of bringing succour to the minds of those who records losses during the war. The role of traditional institutions in managing the conflict includes several committees comprising of chiefs of both towns inaugurated whereby chiefs of both towns meet at intervals to discuss the peace and progress of the towns and conclusions are reached on salient issues. Conflict is indeed an inevitable aspect of human interaction. There is the need to learn to manage them and deal with them in a way that prevents escalation and destruction, and to arrive at new, innovative, and creative ideas to resolve them.
Keywords: Traditional Institutions, Ife-Modakeke, Communal Clash, Conflict Resolution
Conflicts all over the world have destroyed many lives and properties. It is equally the source of the displacement of millions of citizens having changed their status from nationals of their countries to refugees in other countries. In Africa, to be precise, ethnic/religious conflicts, border conflicts, civil strife, civil wars and genocides among others are rampant. Specific instances of conflicts in Africa include ethnic/religious conflicts which developed into civil wars in Zaire, Sudan, Burundi, Rwanda, Liberia, Uganda, and Lesotho to mention but a few. It is noteworthy that since the collapse of the Soviet Bloc that marked the end of the cold war by 1989/1990, civil conflicts increased in Africa amounting to the fact that the United States hegemonic status fuelled African conflicts as well as reduction in the management (Oguonu andEzeibe, 2014).
Africa’s instability, crisis, precarious situations and quagmires among others are still on. These problems, though complex and disturbing, had followed a particular trend in term of intervention and solutions to the numerous conflicts and crises to which agents of conflicts management had also failed (Juncos, and Joseph, 2020). Thus, African and her people are made to face with terrible situation of crises here and there