International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume III, Issue XI, November 2019 | ISSN 2454–6186
The Iceberg of Social Media Marketing
Management Department, Universitas Internasional Batam, Jl. Gajah Mada, Baloi – Sei Ladi, Batam 29442/, Indonesia
Abstract: Social media has become a necessity for everyday life. More than half of Indonesians are internet users, who spend most of their time on social media. This is a phenomenon that opens up great opportunities for companies to digitize their business ventures. Ads are increasingly rampant starting from Facebook, Instagram and Youtube. Whatever type of product and service purchases is switched, from offline to online. In social media there are content, advertisements using endorsers (celebrities), and online reviews that customers count into. Other thing that could affect the brand equity is the perceived connection/relationship between the customer and the brand itself. Therefore, in this study, the author would examine the influence of Social Media Marketing towards Brand Equity with Self-Brand Connection as an intervening variable. The results of this study prove that social media marketing has positive effect on brand equity with self-brand connection as mediation.
Keywords: social media marketing, brand equity, self-brand connection, online marketing, digital marketing.
The number of internet users in Indonesia in 2018, according to a survey conducted by the Asosiasi Penyelenggara Jaringan Internet Indonesia (APJII), more than half of Indonesia population is connected to the internet, which is 132.7 million of the total 256.2 million. This number has increased by 51.8%, compared to the number of Indonesian internet users in 2014, which was only 88 million (Widiartanto, 2016).
In addition, almost all well-known chat applications, such as LINE, BBM, or social media applications such as Facebook, began launching the latest shopping-based features . LINE with LINE @, and BBM with BBM Shopping in collaboration with Bukalapak as its first partner. Likewise with Facebook and Instagram which now has a page and business profile features, for business owner who want to bring their brands closer to active social media users. Digital companies other than banks are also competing now to have e-money features, such as Go-Pay, Lippo with OVO, Simpati with T-Cash, and others.