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The Impact of Metacognitive Teaching Strategies on Learners’ Performance in Earth Geometry: A Case Study of Mubanga Secondary School

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume III, Issue X, October 2019 | ISSN 2454–6186

The Impact of Metacognitive Teaching Strategies on Learners’ Performance in Earth Geometry: A Case Study of Mubanga Secondary School

Siamusinza Miller1, Sakala William2

IJRISS Call for paper

1Department of Mathematics, Mubanda Secondary School, P.O Box: 620266, Kalomo – Zambia
2Department of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, The Copperbelt University, P.O Box 21692, Kitwe –Zambia

Abstract—Mathematics is one of the useful subjects that is often applied by people in society. The knowledge and skills obtained from learning mathematics are used by several people to solve their everyday problems. Not only that, other subjects are depending on mathematics in that they need some elements of mathematics for them to be learnt properly. A good example of such subjects includes science, economics, accounts, woodwork and technical drawing. The unfortunate part is that the subject of mathematics has been proven to be difficult among most of the learners to an extent that most of them (learners) perform poorly in it. The poor performance of learners in mathematics has been a source of concern to many stakeholders. This research study was conducted to assess the impact of metacognitive teaching strategies on learners’ performance in Earth Geometry since the traditional method of teaching (lecture method) seem not to helps learners to attain academic achievement in Earth Geometry and mathematics in general. A sample of 94 participants, 45 boys and 49 girls were purposively sampled from Mubanga Secondary School. The participants were actually members of the only two grade twelve classes, 12A and 12B, that were at Mubanga Secondary School at that time .The treatment was randomly assigned and 12A was considered to be the experimental group while the other class, 12B became the Control group. Using a quasi-experimental research method, the experimental group experienced 16 training sessions of Metacognitive teaching strategies while the Control group was deprived of the training. Pre-test and post-test were used as suitable instruments to collect the much needed data. The instruments were tested for reliability and validity. Reliability of research instrument was tested using test retest reliability and Pearson’s product moment correlation coefficient gave the value of r = 0.748. This result showed that there was a strong linear relationship between the two tests that were conducted for assessing reliability. Validity of instruments was done using face and content validity. Two grade twelve examiners were given chance to look at the test instruments. The independent sample t-test was used to analyse the results to determine the impact of metacognitive teaching strategies towards learners’ performance in Earth Geometry. The results showed that the experimental group had statistically significant mean scores of the post-test results compared to the mean scores of the Control group for the same post-test. Based on the results of the research study, it was concluded that metacognitive teaching strategies had a positive impact on learners’ performance in Earth Geometry

Keywords— metacognition, metacognitive strategies, cognition, strategy.

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