The Impact of Traditional Leadership on Voting Behavior at General Elections

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume V, Issue XII, December 2021 | ISSN 2454–6186

The Impact of Traditional Leadership on Voting Behavior at General Elections

M. Fachri Adnan*1, Hasbullah Malau2, Heldo Aura3
1,2Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatra Indonesia
3Member of General Election Commission Bukittinggi Town West Sumatra Indonesia

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract: This study discusses the impact of traditional leaders on voting behavior in a general election. Many studies have discussed factors yang that affect voting behavior in general elections. Nevertheless, most studies focus on the perception or evaluation of political leaders or characteristics of candidate leadership on voting behavior. This study is about the impact of traditional leadership on voting behavior in an election. Data were collected by questionnaire the community of Kurai in Bukittinggi Town West Sumatera and analyzed with simple regression. This study emphasizes improving the impact of traditional leadership on voting behavior at the general election. The purpose of the research is to investigate the effect of traditional leaders on voting behavior in a general election. Data were collected by questionnaire and analysis by descriptive and linear regression method. This study shows that traditional leader has a significant impact on the voting behavior of legislative general election.

Keywords: traditional leaders, voting behavior, general election


Voting behavior is a momentary action of a citizen in determining his choice in an election. Even though this action is temporary, this voting behavior has captured the attention of social and political scientists to examine it from various perspectives, especially those related to the factors that influence voting behavior. Research on voting behavior in Slovakia shows that nationalism and the national economy affect voting preferences in elections (Stanley, 2011). Furthermore, the results of a study of the voting behavior of American Indians in the election of members of the United States Congress showed that Indian ethnic ties had a positive effect on voting behavior (Conner, 2014). Then the research of (Heath, Verniers, & Kumar, 2015) shows that religious ties affect Voting behavior in India, Muslim voters in India. Furthermore, the study of Vizcaíno-González, Pineiro-Chousa, & López-Cabarcos, (2016), found that voting behavior is influenced by reputational damage. Another study concluded that the tone of the candidate’s voice affects Voting behavior.