RSIS International

The Impacts of Strategic Human Asset on Organizational Performance of Non-governmental Organization in Saudi Arabia: A Pilot Study

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume IV, Issue IV, April 2020 | ISSN 2454–6186

The Impacts of Strategic Human Asset on Organizational Performance of Non-governmental Organization in Saudi Arabia: A Pilot Study

Mustafa Mohammed Al-Mawmari, Ismail Bin Rejab, Mohammad Mahmoud Alzubi
Department of Management, Al-Madina International University, Kualalumpur-Malaysia

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract- Throughout the most recent decade, associations have known about the fundamental job HR play in accomplishing better execution. By and by, non-legislative associations are not completely mindful of this issue and need to utilize human asset systems to improve their authoritative productivity. Along these lines, the reason for this examination was to inspect the connection between Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM) and authoritative execution in non-legislative associations and to decide the degree of the effect on hierarchical execution of SHRM (obtaining, preparing, maintenance and inside work showcase); Information was gathered through printed copy polls disseminated to 44 administration and non-the board staff of non-benefit associations situated in Riyadh, Al-Qassim and Al-Sharqiyah regions of Saudi Arabia. The examination’s instrument included 45 things and was intended to evaluate the acts of Strategic Human Resource (SHR), middle person factors and authoritative execution. Theorized connections between SHRM, hierarchical execution and go-betweens were then tried utilizing Auxiliary Condition Demonstrating. The aftereffects of the investigation indicated that SHRM was fundamentally and emphatically identified with hierarchical execution. Also, the outcomes have indicated that middle person factors, for example, representative commitment, assume a huge job in interceding among SHRM and hierarchical execution. The outcomes indicated that the obtaining and maintenance of each of the four free factors had the best effect on hierarchical execution. What’s more, the aftereffects of this examination demonstrated that the intervened factors effectively interceded between the SHRM and the operational presentation of non-legislative associations. At last, the outcomes may help shape the establishment for pragmatic rules for executives of non-administrative associations of advancing human asset the board action and for laborers related to safeguarding their key edge for long haul hierarchical execution.

Keywords: Impacts; SHRM; NGOs; Organizational performance; Saudi Arabia


Non-profit organizations today face many competing obstacles that they need to address strategically in order to function effectively in the world of economic non-stability. They will continually improve efficiency by reducing costs, innovating processes and goods, and increasing quality and productivity (Becker and Gerhart, 2016).