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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) |Volume VI, Issue IX, September 2022|ISSN 2454-6186

The influence of Christian Ethics and Job Satisfaction on Employee Retention in the Security Services in Ghana

YIDAAN, Peter Yin-nyeya
Communication Department, Ghana Armed Forces, Ghana

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract: What role does empirical research play in developing a constructive theory of Christian ethics, job satisfaction, and employee retention in Ghana’s security services? Specific empirical investigation of Christian ethics, employee work happiness, and retention are discussed in this paper. The paper examines the influence of Christian ethics and job satisfaction on employee retention in the security services in Ghana. Organizations can avoid the inconvenient consequences of high attrition by identifying the factors that drive employee retention and how to improve them. In recent years, the academic idea of Christian ethics, job satisfaction and employee retention has piqued the interest of researchers in the domains of the security services, management, social psychologies, and practical operations. The influence of Christian ethics on employee job satisfaction and retention has a positive impact on employee retention in the security services in Ghana. Several factors directly or indirectly impact employee’s satisfaction at work hence their retention. Security services that create work cultures that attract, motivate, and retain skilled individuals will do better in today’s competitive world. Organizations’ key challenges today are not only managing their human resources but also satisfying and retaining them. Securing and retaining a talented workforce is critical for every organization, especially in the Ghanaian security services as their knowledge and skills have become increasingly significant in achieving and maintaining security at its highest standard.

Key words: Ghana, Christin Ethics, Job Satisfaction, Employee Retention, Security Services.


The idea of security has evolved from a traditional, state-centric emphasis on the usually territorial, military-like protection of states and people from conflicts and physical harm to a focus on people and their various complex and related physical and socioeconomic needs, commonly referred to as human security. During the colonial era, justice and security institutions were established to safeguard colonial power structures, some of which persisted even after independence. These institutions can be found in developing nations, particularly in Africa. In most cases, these systems were maintained by the political elite who assumed control of the state’s affairs after independence to safeguard and further their interests. Additionally, many of these institutions lack the personnel and resources needed to provide these services on a large scale (Badong, 2008). Employees are the lifeblood of every organization. Even though, practically, every firm is now technologically driven in modern organizational

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