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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume III, Issue IX, September 2019 | ISSN 2454–6186

The Influence of Information Technology and Financial Availability on Service Delivery in Government Institutions of Kenya: A Case Study of Nairobi Huduma Centre

Patricia Chemutai*, Caroline Chebet
Management University of Africa, P.O Box 29677-00100, Nairobi Kenya

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract: – Efficient and effective service delivery remains a major concern in many public institutions in Kenya.The role of information technology is apparent in enhancing the rate at which various services are offered. Similarly, adequate financing is necessary in running day to day activities of the institution. For instance, regular maintenance of platforms is essential in realizing the goal of smooth running of activities. This study aimed at establishing the influence of information technology and finance availability on service delivery in government institutions of Kenya. The specific objectives were; to establish the effects of information technology and finance availability on service delivery in government institutions in Kenya. The study adopted a descriptive research design. Stratified random sampling was employed and a sample size of 59 respondents was arrived at from a target population of 198 employees. The quantitative data was collected using a structured questionnaire. Data collected was analyzed using SPSS and descriptive output presented using tables, figures and charts. The results showed that information technology affects the service delivery in government institutions at high rate of 82%. According to this study 62% of the respondents said that adoption of modern information technology influences service delivery to very great extent 26% to a great extent, 7% to a low extent while 5% to a very low extent. On finance availability, 88% of the respondents felt that finance availability affects service delivery in government institutions. Additionally, 59% of the respondents agreed that leaders were committed in ensuring adequate funding for effective service delivery to a very great extent, 28%to a great extent, 9% to a low extent, and 6% to a very low extent. The study recommends government institutions to embrace the adoption and use of modern information technology while setting aside enough funds for effective service delivery to the citizens.

Keywords: Information technology, financial availability, service delivery

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