RSIS International

The Knowledge of Social Work Students about Domestic Violence

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume II, Issue XII, December 2018 | ISSN 2454–6186

The Knowledge of Social Work Students about Domestic Violence

M.S. Iffahinani1, Z.M. Lukman2, R. Normala3, C. Azlini4, M.Y. Kamal5

IJRISS Call for paper

1,2,3,4,5Faculty of Applied Social Sciences, Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin, Kuala Nerus, Terengganu, Malaysia

Abstract— Domestic violence can be defined as an abuse of power by spouse especially husband which is attempting to control or dominate his partner. The main purpose of this study is to identify the knowledge of social work students on domestic violence.A total of 300 students from 19 to 26 years old were selected as respondents. This study used descriptive analysis by reporting the results of the study in terms of frequency and percentage to determine the level of knowledge of social work students on domestic violence. The research instrument used was a questionnaire.The results showed that out of 300 undergraduates surveyed, the majority of social work students have knowledge of domestic violence by recording a high percentage of each question, which is 50% and above. From this studies, it was found that the student gained the knowledge regarding the domestic violence through mass media and attended the seminar organized by the local community. Therefore, these studieshave demonstrated that the students gained the knowledge of domestic violence as well as information is needed to ensure social work students can work professionally with the victims that are facing domestic violence.

Keywords— Knowledge, Domestic Violence, Social Work, Online Survey, Student


Generally, legitimate families are formed on the basis of marriage and associated with family relationships or love married. Meanwhile, [1], defines the family as a whole family of husbands and wives alone or with children. According to [2] defines the family as a social unit consisting of father, mother, and child and most importantly is the existence of a particular relationship with the social group [3]. This institution is named as a household. Households are the first stage of community formation [4]. Households are formed through marriages that are subject to certain rules for every religion (Dugan, 2003). Marriage will form a small family institution consisting of spouses, parents, and children [4]. Families are often portrayed idealized as a source of happiness, safety, excitement, support, protection, strife and contradiction in daily life [5].