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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume III, Issue IX, September 2019 | ISSN 2454–6186

The Nexus of Gender and Political Participation: An Appraisal of Factors Militating Against Women in Politics in Benin Metropolis, Nigeria

Boris Happy ODALONU

IJRISS Call for paper

Department of Political Science, Federal College of Education, Eha-Amufu, Enugu State, Nigeria

Abstract: – Patriarchalism culture and gender discrimination in Nigeria political structure has given concession to under-representation and indolent participation of women in politics. This paper examined the factors militating against women in politics in Benin metropolis. Using cultural lag theory, survey design was adopted and data were collected through triangulation of quantitative and qualitative methods. Specifically, an 18-item Likert scale questionnaire was used to elicit responses from 450 respondents while 10 in-depth interviews were conducted. Data collected through questionnaire were analyzed using descriptive statistics (frequency, percentages and mean) while qualitative data were content analyzed. The findings revealed that majority of women were not active in politics. Financial resources, socio-cultural inhibitions, family responsibilities, child bearing, lack of family support and lack of enabling opportunities were the major factors reported by women militating against their participation in politics. Few women who hold political key positions affirmed that their participation in politics brought positive impact in their communities. This paper submits that the prospects of Nigerian women in politics are optimistic if some of these factors highlighted above can be addressed. Women should be empowered in their political participation pursuits to enhance their contribution to viable political development in Nigeria, especially at the grassroots’ communities.

Key words: Discrimination, gender inequality, political participation, women, Nigeria


Nigerian women constitute about half of the population of the country and they are known to play vital roles at the individual, family and community levels. These roles include being a mother, producer, time manager, empowerment builder, community organizer, social and political activist. But despite their major roles they partake and their significant contribution of their population, women have not been given recognition, especially in political participation activities. Hence, they are being discriminated against owing to patriarchal structure of the African and Nigerian societies inclusive. Other factors responsible for discrimination against women include cultural stereotype, abuse of religion, traditional practices, high level of illiteracy, low participation in labour force, early marriage and lack of empowerment.

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