International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume II, Issue XII, December 2018 | ISSN 2454–6186
The Paradox of 1914 and the June 12: Nigeria’s Unending Nightmares
Olayinka Kehinde BINUOMOYO
Postgraduate Studies, Department of Economics, Lead City University, Ibadan, Nigeria
Abstract: The name Nigeria appears to bring multidimensional meanings to different people. Nigerians and foreigners have been amazed at the endurance the country has made amidst several military conflicts and civil disturbances over the years without eventually disintegrating. It has therefore been pre-supposed that the country will continue as one entity in spite of its cycles of instability following perennial political and social upheavals. But two events in history: its amalgamation in 1914 and the events surrounding June 12 1993 (pre- and post -) have been seen to be important landmarks in the country’s destiny. This paper showed the significances of these two dates (and related ones) as well as their impacts in shaping the future of the country, which have been both nightmarish and positive on the country’s present. Two broad perspectives are examined: the political construct of the Nigerian nation and its social characteristics. The former was examined in detail as the determinant of the secondary characteristics which are borne on the latter.
Key Words: Nigeria; Political; Country; June 12; 1914; Military; Constitution; Conference; Niger Delta; Election