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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume VI, Issue VI, June 2022 | ISSN 2454–6186

The Perceptions and Attitude Towards Substance Use Among Female’s University Students at Khartoum State (Case Study)

Nafisa Adil Abdalmaged Hamadto, Dr. Aisha Albalola
Ahfad University for Women, United states of America

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract: Substance use prevalence in Sudan among youth is alarming, the problem not only harms individuals but also negatively affect families and society. It became a trending phenomenon among young female’s specialty university students between 18 – 35 years of age. The research focus in perceptions and attitude of substance abuse among female’s university students at Khartoum state explains the personal and external factors behind the phenomena and the possible consequences in participant’s point of view. A total of 20 females aged from 21-23 from three universities ( Ahfad University for Women, University of Science and Technology and University of Medical Science and Technology) collected through snow ball sampling, data was gathered through interview which consist of three open ended questions. Thematic analysis was used to analyze the responses. Reasons founded behind using substance were: personal factors explained in the Education and awareness level, Lack of special spaces to discharge negative energy and interesting in discovering a new adventures. External factors were the accessibility and availability of substance, social pressure, economic independency, peer pressure and finally the way participants affected from using drugs all of them has shared four common issue which are social, emotional, psychological, and physical. At the end The findings was mentions the increasing phenomena among females in two aspects Therefore, there are numerous reasons for youth females to become involved with various substances, plus exploring the concept of substance abuse among female’s students, and the way participants affect from using drugs.

Keywords: perceptions, attitudes, substance use, female university students, Khartoum state


This chapter will introduce the substance abuse and background of the topic, establish the research question and specify the goals and objectives of the research, and finally map out the next chapters.
The World Health Organization defined substance abuse as “the harmful or hazardous use of psychoactive substances, including alcohol and illicit drugs”. Substance abuse touches millions of people worldwide each year. It is estimated that about 76.3 million people struggle with alcohol use disorders contributing to 1.8 million deaths per year. As is the case with some global issues, substance abuse is unequally represented– the developing world, marginalized groups and communities being the most vulnerable to this reality. For example, in North America, Indigenous communities are particularly


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