International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume V, Issue III, March 2021 | ISSN 2454–6186
The Place of Women in Nigeria Change Agenda As Exemplified By Biblical Deborah And Esther
Olatunji Samuel AKINWUMI (Ph.D)
Bamidele Olumilua University of Education, Science and Technology Ikere-Ekiti, Ekiti State Nigeria
Abstract: The development of any society is measured by good change manifested in increased capacity of the people to have control over material assets, intellectual resources and ideology, ability to procure the physical necessities of life (food, clothing and shelter) access to adequate education, gender equality, sustainable development and peace. Since the required development as itemized above is not so realistic in Nigeria, there is therefore serious need for change that will pave way for the needed development. The work examined the contributions of Deborah and Esther to national development with the aim of presenting Nigeria women as having the ability to bring the necessary change that Nigeria needs. The paper however suggests two conditions that would make the desired change to happen which include objectives and subjective conditions. Objective conditions exist when situations are evidently abnormal with huge contradictions which can only be resolved by change. The subjective conditions involve making available organizational preparations requires to bring about awareness and consciousness for change. The findings however revealed that conditions needed for change are made possible by utilizing some virtues and potential resident in Nigeria women such as commitment, self –control, sense of direction, courage and wisdom as exemplified by Deborah and Esther in the Bible. Being an historical essay the work employed historical frame work in its analysis. The paper however recommended that the change Agenda should take cognizance of the Social, Economic, Political and educational sectors.
Keywords: Development, Change Agenda, Women, organization and Society.
Man from time immemorial has always developed strong desire for change. He is therefore not comfortable when things remain stagnant. Any life that is not experiencing change is considered a retrogressive one. The call for change by the citizens of any country is therefore a call for progress and development. Any nation that considers change as optional will soon fixzzle out and cease to exist.
It is probably the realization of the above submission, which made millions of Nigerians to vote for General Muhammadu Buhari as the President who they consider as an agent of change. However, “change” appears to be a bi-polar phenomenon, there are agents of change in one hand and the beneficiaries of the change on the other hand. Consequent to the general mentality of the masses that women play second fiddle in the society, they are in most cases side-lined in the scheme of things and relegated to the background when, in all reality, they have the potential for change. In this paper, we shall therefore examine the following: An overview of Nigeria