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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) |Volume VI, Issue XII, December 2022|ISSN 2454-6186

The Role of Compensation and Work Environment on Employee Job Satisfaction (A Case Study at Container Terminal)

Gracia Pratama Suryadi1, Fajar Cahyo Utomo2 and Amanda Setiorini2
1Students of Faculty of Economics, Universitas Krisnadwipayana, Indonesia
2Lecturer of Faculty of Economics, Universitas Krisnadwipayana, Indonesia

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract: This research aims to identify and analyze the influence of compensation and work environment on the job satisfaction of Container Terminal partially or simultaneously. It has 61 respondents as the sample. The primary data collection uses observation and questionnaires. The data analysis uses multiple linear regression, correlations, and coefficient of determination. The results show that compensation and work environment strongly influence employee job satisfaction by 77.4%. The compensation variable has a dominant influence on employee job satisfaction, while the remaining 22.6% is influenced by other variables not examined in this research.

Keywords: Job satisfaction; compensation; work environment


Measurement of human resources (HR) capacity in globalization relates to the employees’ productivity and performance reflected in the job satisfaction of the HR. Job satisfaction means an attitude or feeling towards pleasant or unpleasant job aspects following the assessment of each worker (Badriyah, 2015). Job satisfaction can motivate someone to enjoy his work so that there will be an increasing awareness to complete the job as best as possible. Pleasant feelings supported by strong motivation at work are the capital for creating loyal human resources. They should commit to their jobs to improve their performance (Sujati, 2018).
The industrial sector engaged in logistics is highly dependent on its human resources capacity. One of them is Container Terminal always strives to direct its 600 employees to work effectively and efficiently to maximize job performance. The main focus of this research is job satisfaction. Some factors that can affect job satisfaction are: 1) Individual; 2) Occupation; 3) Bosses; 4) Co-workers; 5) Promotion; 6) Compensation; 7) Placement; 8) Work security; 9) Working conditions; 10) company facilities, and; 11) Company management (Luthans, Sutrisno, Hasibuan & Blum).

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