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The Role of ESP in Improving English Competency in Students Health Analysis Study Program

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume IV, Issue VII, July 2020 | ISSN 2454–6186

The Role of ESP in Improving English Competency in Students Health Analysis Study Program

Nova Mustika1*, Harleni2
1,2STIKes Perintis Padang

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract :This study aims to identify and analyze the needs of ESP learning materials in nursing students. To find out these needs, needs to be done needs analysis so that students get the material needed to support their learning process at this time or in a future career. The study was conducted with a qualitative approach and descriptive method. The research sample was nursing student class P17C who was taking an English course. Sampling uses a purposive random sampling technique. The research instrument used a questionnaire. Data were analyzed with descriptive techniques in the form of numbers and percentages. The results show that the needs of nursing students for ESP English courses vary so that it can be concluded that they need English not only for their current needs, but also for the benefit of future professional careers. It is therefore recommended that ESP English language teachers or interested parties can accommodate the needs of students, and always do a needs analysis because the needs of ESP learners are always changing.

Keywords: ESP, English, Needs Analysis, Student Needs.


English for Specific Purposes (ESP) is defined as “a language course or program of instruction in which the content and aims of the course are fixed by the specific needs of a particular group of learners” (Richards and Schmidt, 2010). ESP prepares the learners to use English in academic (students of different fields), professional (people of different professions such as doctors, engineers, and nurses), or workplace (technicians for example) settings.
ESP is one of the fields of applied linguistics that has developed in the field of education and the use of English in accordance with the needs of certain scientific fields and professions, such as the use of English in the fields of Science, Technology, engineering, Health, Agriculture, Engineering and other fields. ESP is designed and developed based on the concept of needs analysis (need analysis).
The purpose of conducting the needs analysis is to synchronize the learning material with the needs of the ESP participants, both in accordance with the profession and in accordance with the academic field. According to Donough (1984), the concept of ESP contains material, syllabus, and special objectives that must be designed and developed based on the needs of a group that has the will to learn English