International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) |Volume VI, Issue X, October 2022|ISSN 2454-6186
Ony Darmawan1, Mubarokah2, Sri Tjondro Winarno3*
1Master of Agribusiness Study Program, Indonesia
2Faculty of Agriculture, UPN Veterans East Java, Indonesia
3Jl. Rungkut Madya No. 1 Gunung Anyar, Gunung Anyar District, Surabaya East Java City, Indonesia
*Corresponding Author
Abstract: The shortage of government extension workers in the field has led to a gap in farmers’ innovation towards rapid changes in information and a decrease in the effectiveness of extension activities. As a result, farmers are powerless in dealing with changes in their own environment, especially with regard to farming, so that the role of extension workers is still needed by farmers to overcome this. This study aims to describe the role of agricultural extension workers and the empowerment of coffee farmers and to analyze the effect of the role of agricultural extension workers on the empowerment of coffee farmers in Trawas District, Mojokerto Regency. The sampling technique used proportional random sampling, meaning that each farmer group was represented by each respondent with a proportional amount. Each farmer group was taken as many as 6, after being multiplied by the number of farmer groups, the sample in this study amounted to 66. The analysis in this study used descriptive analysis and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM-PLS) analysis. The results of the study that the role of agricultural extension agents as innovators have a significant positive effect on the empowerment of coffee farmers in Trawas District, Mojokerto Regency. As an innovator, extension workers provide the latest ideas or ideas about coffee cultivation, extension workers also provide the latest breakthroughs on harvest and post-harvest handling. The role of agricultural extension workers as motivators has a significant positive effect on farmer empowerment. The role of agricultural instructors as facilitators has a significant positive effect on the empowerment of coffee farmers in Trawas District, Mojokerto Regency. The role of agricultural instructors as communicators has a significant positive effect on the dependent variable of Farmer Empowerment. The role of the extension agent is to act as a communicator by delivering extension materials and communicating well, the extension worker also listens to complaints from members of the farmer group during extension activities.
Keywords: Empowerment of farmers, Agricultural Extension, Coffee
The plantation sub-sector contributes significantly to the Indonesian economy and is a provider of raw materials for the industrial sector, an absorber of labor and a foreign