The Role of School Infrastructure and Components in Effective Implementation of Educational Management Information System (EMIS) in Schools of Excellence in Nyarugenge District, Rwanda

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International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume VI, Issue VIII, August 2019 | ISSN 2321–2705

The Role of School Infrastructure and Components in Effective Implementation of Educational Management Information System (EMIS) in Schools of Excellence in Nyarugenge District, Rwanda

Harerimana Jean Paul1, Dr. Michael Ng’umbi2

IJRISS Call for paper

1Educational Trainer and Consultant at VVOB, Rwanda, PhD Candidate at The Open University of Tanzania
2Director, Institute of Adult Education

Abstract: The research objective was to find out the role and standing of existing school infrastructure and components for effective implementation of Educational Management Information System (EMIS) in Schools of excellence. Findings of this study revealed the high availability of EMIS infrastructure and its accessibility with limitations of low and slow internet. The study recommends that schools should avail strong internet, provide a support of EMIS experts to school, and organized follow-up activities.

Key Terms: School infrastructure and components, Educational Management Information System (EMIS), Schools of excellence


Every education system relies on accurate, timely and complete education data and information in order to function properly (RMSA-TCA, 2015). Schools and education institutions embraced the use of modern technological facilities based Educational management information systems (EMIS) for effective management of the educational information and data. EMIS plays an important role in effective school management. EMIS is crucial for the purposes of decision making, managing, planning and evaluating the education systems (Akaranga & Makau, 2016). A study demonstrates that there is a significant relationship between the usage of modern technological facilities and the effective management of educational institutions (Adeyemi, 2011). EMISis demonstrated as a tool which impacts on every aspect of school management activity. EMISleads to changes in work and changes in the organization of work (UNESCO, 2002). This proves the significant impact of the modern technological facilities and tools on effective school management.