RSIS International

The Socialization Of The Draft Village Regulated Regarding The Cisalak Village Public Cemetery In Fulfilling The Main Performance Indicators Towards A Digital Society.

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume VI, Issue II, February 2022 | ISSN 2454–6186

The Socialization Of The Draft Village Regulated Regarding The Cisalak Village Public Cemetery In Fulfilling The Main Performance Indicators Towards A Digital Society.

Dedi Mulyadi1, Tanti Kirana Utami2, Hilman Nur3, Henny Nuraeny4, Kuswandi5
1,2,3,4,5Faculty of Law, Universitas Suryakancana, Indonesia

IJRISS Call for paper


The independent campus freedom to learn policy provides opportunities for students to gain more comprehensive learning experiences and new competencies through several learning activities. This village building activity is beneficial, especially in making academic texts and drafting village regulations regarding public burial places. The research method used is a normative juridical method with descriptive-analytical research specifications, and the data used are primary and secondary. This impacts the realization of order in the use and management of burial grounds.
Keywords: Curriculum, independent campus, freedom to learn, Village Regulation, Public Cemetery.
The independent campus, freedom to learn), is an advanced design of the application of the curriculum of study programs based on the Indonesian National Qualifications Framework), which is oriented towards the integrity of learning competency achievements, covering elements of attitudes/values, knowledge, general skills, and skills memorable. Of course, the main principle in the IQF is not how many classes are offered but how much competence appears in the studies (Fauzan2021
Study programs are challenged in developing an adaptive curriculum and adapting to the increasingly rapid developments of the times without leaving the goal of producing graduates following predetermined learning outcomes. In addition, the implementation of the MBKM policy requires collaboration and cooperation with partners or other parties related to their scientific fields and supporting the desired learning outcomes.
MBKM is one of the Minister of Education and Culture policies, Nadiem Makariem. One of the MBKM policy programs is the Right to Learn 3 (Three) Semesters Outside the Study Program. The program mandates various regulations/legal foundations of higher education to improve the quality of learning and higher education graduates. The independent campus, freedom to learn there are multiple form of learning activities outside of higher education All of the above activities must be carried out with the guidance of the Lecturer. Independent campuses are expected to provide contextual field experiences to improve student competence, be ready to work or create new job opportunities.
According to Nadiem Anwar Makarim, the MBKM policy aims to produce graduates who can survive, adapt, and have non-technical abilities to live and work in society. Graduates need capital for their lives in the future, not just in their present life. The profile of graduates in the Indonesian education roadmap includes six profiles, including 1) spiritual integrity, 2) diversity-minded, 3) independent, 4) cooperation, 5) critical reasoning, and 6) creativity . Higher education must encourage people not only in what fields, but these people have the ability and willingness to continue learning for life following the acceleration of economic change, are adaptive, collaborative, creative, and open-minded.
Students are also given the freedom to participate in learning activities outside their study program in the same university with a particular credit weight. Students can carry out all these activities with the guidance of lecturers. The implementation of MBKM in Higher Education only starts with two major activities: first, providing 20 credits of lectures outside of study programs that are still in one institution, and second, providing programs or activities equivalent to 40 credits.
Thematic Real Work Lecture (abbreviated as KKNT) is a form of education that provides learning experiences for students to live in the community outside the campus, which directly and together with the community identify potentials and deal with problems so that they are expected to be able to develop village/regional potential and gather solutions to issues in the village. KKNT activities are expected to hone soft partnership skills, cross-disciplinary/scientific team collaboration (cross-competence), and student leadership in managing development programs in rural areas. So far, universities have implemented the KKNT program, only the Semester Credit Units (abbreviated as SKS) have not been able or can be recognized following the independent campus program whose credit recognition is equivalent to 6-12 months or 20-40 credits, with the implementation based on several models.


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