International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume III, Issue X, October 2019 | ISSN 2454–6186
Professor Tanyi Ebangha Maureen1, Egbe Gwendoline Arrika2
1Head of Department Curriculum and Evaluation, University of Yaounde 1 – Cameroon
2Researcher Ministry of Scientific Research and Innovation, Yaounde Cameroon
2Ph. D Student University of Buea
Abstract: – SAI is an instrument designed to measure the level to which a child adjust to the school norms. It contains 57 psychological constructs. The purpose of this study is to measure the level of adjustment amongst the South West and the Centre regions secondary students in Cameroon. Norms were established for the adjusted and maladjusted. Sex and Age were amongst the variables considered. A sample of 3461 forms two and three students aged 12-18 was drawn from the two regions. Three research questions and 6 hypotheses guided the study. Mean and standard deviation and t-test were used for the analysis. The following results among others were obtained:
1. General norms for the maladjusted and adjusted students ranged from 11.47 to 36.23 and. 9.08 to 20.21 while that for the whole test was 87.07 and 39.31 respectively.
2. The norms for the male and female students were found to be 69.17 and 69.44 respectively.
3. Those for the early and late adolescents stood at 69.47 and 69.04 respectively
4. It was also found that there were no significant sex and age difference in students’ adjustment as measured by the SAI.
Based on the results, the implications and recommendations was that SAI be used to identify and measure the incidence of mal-adjustment among students in Cameroon.
Key words: standardization, adjustment, maladjustment, inventory, cultural tool.
Background of the Study
The school is a social institution associated with a variety of roles which are obligations it strives to fulfil. Such as the education and training of students in the cognitive, affective and psychomotor behaviours. However, there exist limitations to the attainment of these goals by the school and individual students. The student who does not learn and is held back in grade or drops out of school or fails to meet the school criteria is not adjusted. Maladjustment therefore, refers to the total conditions of an individual who is unable to adapt adequately to his environment. The school and the home are examples of specific environments.