The Use of Didactic Material in Competence Base Approach to Overcome Students Attitude and Teacher’s Perception in Teaching of Physical Geography:
- December 29, 2020
- Posted by: RSIS
- Categories: Education, IJRISS
International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume IV, Issue XII, December 2020 | ISSN 2454–6186
Prof. Agborbechem Peter Tambi1, Bafon Richard Mkong2
1Dean Faculty of Education, University of Buea Cameroon
2Faculty of education, Department of Curriculum and Evaluation The University of Yaounde I, Cameroon
Abstract:- Educationists and curriculum designers are constantly looking for ways to ameliorate his living condition on earth. This explains why in the educational field, pedagogic methods and techniques always undergo modifications. In Cameroon, pedagogic methods of teaching have revolved from teaching using dogmatic method‖ to teaching using objective method‖ and recently to teaching using the competency-based approach (CBA). Competency based education was introduced in French speaking African countries in 1996, during the Conference of Ministers of Education in Yaounde and in Cameroon in July 2012.Teaching Geography otherwise: which approach for which context? This write up focuses on the second axis from passive to active pedagogy. This approach (CBA) was introduced in Cameroon partly because of the failure to meet the educational expectations using teaching by objective. Competency based approach was acclaimed as a more effective approach to teaching and learning due to its envisaged benefits in enhancing the acquisition of knowledge and competences. Overcoming learners ‘attitude on the difficulty in the teaching and learning of Physical Geography(plate tectonics) is a necessity especially with the implementation of the new innovative approach (CBA), which is a learner centered approach. Students sometimes develop misconceptions about a topic because they did not understand the lesson that was taught. Plate tectonics is a technical aspect of physical geography and since most students have little knowledge about this topic, they feel that the topic is a difficult one. This research study is interested in assessing how CBA can be used in overcoming learners ‘attitude on the difficulties faced in the teaching and learning of plate tectonics in Form three. This research work is therefore of significance to students, teachers and to the educational world.
This study will focus on the cognitive and socio constructivist theories of learning. Socio constructivist theory of learning is a product of socio cognitive activities linked to the didactic exchanges between teacher-students and students-students. Cognitive theory stipulates that learning takes place using memory, motivation, and reasoning. The methods which will be used in collecting data are qualitative and quantitative methods, classroom observations, sampling with the use of questionnaires, key informant interviews and focus group discussions. Data shall be analyzed via Microsoft excel and SPSS. At the end of this research work, the researcher will propose strategies and methods which can be used in