The Use of Makassarese Language Based on Politeness Strategies: Review of the Universality of Yassi’s Theoretical Framework

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume V, Issue XII, December 2021 | ISSN 2454–6186

The Use of Makassarese Language Based on Politeness Strategies: Review of the Universality of Yassi’s Theoretical Framework

Nurjannah Syarifuddin, Abdul Hakim Yassi, Harlinah Sahib
Hasanuddin University, Indonesia

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract – The study is aimed to revisiting the politeness framework of Yassi’s. The study discusses the factor that influenced someone in used politeness strategies of heritage language in South Sulawesi especially Makassarese language. The methodology of this research is used qualitative method. The data were observed randomly from native speakers of Makassarese in did communication. On Yassi’s theoretical framework found there are six politeness strategies. The strategies are deference in non-kinship, deference in kinship intimacy in non-kinship, intimacy in kinship, hierarchy in non-kinship and hierarchy in kinship. Yassi’s exposed that the ages is one of the important part in politeness. A positive politeness strategy is used when communicate with friends, usually used casual and direct speech. When communicate with the older used negative politeness. In this study the writer found there are eight strategies that influenced someone in used politeness strategy to complete Yassi’s theory. The new strategy is educated in non-kinship and educated in kinship. This study found someone will respect if did communicate with the educated people even though they are younger or older also kinship or in kinship.

Keywords: Negative Politeness, Politeness Strategy; Positive Politeness


Talking about communication and culture, Indonesia is rich of culture and ethnic groups in which each ethnic group has it is own vernacular language to communicate easily. Every vernacular language has it is own rule to arrange a proper conversation politely. One of regions in Indonesia, which has uniqueness especially in language, is South Sulawesi. In South Sulawesi, the people used some languages. Some of them are Makassarese, Buginese, and Torajanese. Language has a function to use for interacting with other people. (Idris et al., 2020).
Politeness is one of strategy that used to communicate. This politeness strategy is different in every region. Different language will be different rule in used politeness strategy. This article discussed the politeness strategy that used in Makassarese language. This article is revisiting the Yassi’s politeness framework (1996).