RSIS International

The Use of Visual Basis Learning Strategy in Social Science: Facing the Industrial Revolution 4.0 Era

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume IV, Issue V, May 2020 | ISSN 2454–6186

The Use of Visual Basis Learning Strategy in Social Science: Facing the Industrial Revolution 4.0 Era

Faculty of Social dan Political Sciences, Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara, JL. Kapten Mukhtar Basri No 3, Medan 20238, Indonesia

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract: – Industrial revolution 4.0 brings challenges and problems to the education system and social skills. The education system should be able to prepare the students to face the challenges of industrial revolution 4.0, while social science lesson should be able to improve students’ social skills that may be declined by the emergence of industrial revolution 4.0. This study is a review study that aims at exploring visual basis learning strategy with the integration of ICT to teach social science. It tried to find out whether or not visual basis learning strategy and ICT suits industrial revolution 4.0 challenges and can solve the problems in social skills that is caused by it. The data of the study were collected from books and journals that discuss about industrial 4.0, social science lesson, and visual basis learning. The collected data were analyzed using content analysis technique. The result of the analysis shows that the use of visual basis and the integration of ICT in teaching social science is promising since it suits the characteristics of the z generation and the education 4.0. Therefore, it is recommended that visual basis learning with the integration of ICT is used by the social science teachers in teaching their students in facing industrial 4.0 era.

Keywords: social skills, visual basis, industrial revolution 4.0, education 4.0


Industrial Revolution Era 4.0 was marked by rapid technological development. Its development affects almost all sectors of human life. It is also age of advanced technology based on information and communication. It has a more powerful impact on the economy than in the past(Min, et al., 2019). This triggers changes, one of which is a variety of physical/ tangible activities that can now be done with the help of applications or other equipment through the internet network. Maria, Shahbodin, & Pee(2016) also explained in her research mentioning all equipment, machinery, sensors, and people in the industrial revolution era 4.0 were designed to be able to communicate with each other using internet technology known as the “Internet of Things” (IoT).Even more, the Cyber Physical System (CPS) may change the human communication in which bring about radical changes and revolution in the interaction between the physical and virtual worlds(Kim & Park, 2017).