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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) |Volume VI, Issue XII, December 2022|ISSN 2454-6186

Thematic Assessment of Impact of Insurgency on Secondary School Enrolment and Drop-Out Rates in Mubi Educational Zone, Adamawa State: Focus on The Absence of Violence

Abdullahi Muhammad Sani, Bello Alim Babi, Idris Bello
Adamawa State Polytechnic, Yola, Nigeria

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract: The main objective of this study was to assess the impact of insurgency on secondary school enrolment and drop-out in Mubi educational zone of Adamawa state Nigeria. The study determined the impact of insurgency on secondary schools’ students’ enrolment and investigated the impact of insurgency on secondary schools’ facilities using two research questions. The design and development approach was used for the purpose of the study propounded by Gall and Borg, 2007 as modified by Baharuddin, 2017. The population of the study was 19,200 respondents which were drawn from secondary schools across Mubi educational zone of Adamawa State. A purposive sampling technique was used to determine the sample of 200 respondents (both students and teachers in the area of study). A structured questionnaire of 20 items was used to collect data, and the data collected were analysed using means and standard deviation, while the hypotheses were tested using simple linear regression analysis at 0.05 level of significance. The major findings of the study include the following: insurgency had reduced the number of students’ enrolment, insurgency had negatively affected the secondary schools’ facilities and there is no significant difference in the opinion of teachers and students on the impact of insurgency on secondary schools’ students’ enrolment and secondary schools’ facilities in Mubi educational zone of Adamawa state. It was concluded that: the insurgency contributed to the decline in number of students’ enrolment which increases the high number of school dropout and had destroyed a good number of secondary schools’ facilities. The opinion of teachers and students had no significant differences on the impact of insurgency on secondary schools’ students’ enrolment and secondary schools’ facilities in Mubi educational zone of Adamawa state, Nigeria. The researchers recommended that the government at local and state level should hire the services of registered and accredited vigilante to help in complementing the efforts of security personnel, so as to provide adequate security especially in the areas affected by insurgency in Mubi educational zone of Adamawa state, Nigeria. This will help to increase the students’ enrolment thereby reducing the number of dropouts in schools.

Keywords: Insurgency, Enrolment, Drop-outs


Domestic terrorism in Nigeria arose because of the emergence of armed and militant groups that capitalized on the government’s inefficient performance in its decision making process.