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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume III, Issue IX, September 2019 | ISSN 2454–6186

Tools and System Technologies as Strategies for Enhancing Effective Classroom Communication in Nigerian Secondary Schools

Umar Azare Iliyasu1, Sagir Ahmad2, Yalwaji Shehu3
1Department of Curriculum and Instructions, School of Education, Aminu Saleh College of Education, Azare, Bauchi State, Nigeria
2,3Department of Psychology, School of Education, Aminu Saleh College of Education, Azare, Bauchi State, Nigeria

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract: – Communication is the heart beat of teaching and learning, without which no meaningful progress will be achieved in whatever level of education in Nigeria. This paper therefore, examines the place of tools and system approaches for effective classroom communication. Tools technology describes the straight forward presentation of concepts in educational technology while system approach to instruction emphasis the step by step application of ideas, resources, people, materials and equipment to the solution of educational problem. Attempts are made to highlight the conceptual definition of the key terms, examine significance of communication as well as factors affecting communication in the classroom situation. It also deals with how to make communication effective and strategies for becoming an effective communicator in the classroom. The paper recommends among other thing that for effective teaching and learning in secondary schools, teachers should focustheir attention in the application and utilization of tools and system approaches in the classroom communication.

Key Words: Communication, Tools and System Technologies


The 21st Century is a new era where technology is advancing in the world at an unprecedented rate including daily life problems. Some researchers have seen this development as very important thereby suggested that to face the challenges arising from technology, there is need to foster and encourage effective utilization of technology in classroom communication. Nigeria, the world over is striving toward the improvement of their educational systems, having realized that, education is a major key for national development. In Nigeria, the development in education has taken a turn for better with the introduction of many reforms. One of the most significant step taken toward comprehensive reform was passing into law the compulsory free Universal Basic Education, Act 2004(Federal Ministry of Education 2008).

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