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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science (IJRIAS) | Volume V, Issue X, October 2020 | ISSN 2454–6186

Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon Fractions (Components) In Surface Water and Sediments of Edagberi River, Niger Delta, Nigeria

Edori, E. S., Kpee, F. And Marcus, A. C.
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Natural and Applied Sciences, Ignatius Ajuru University of Education, Rumuolumeni, PMB 5047 Port Harcourt, Rivers State.

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract: The presence of total petroleum hydrocarbons through randomly collected water and sediment samples of Edagberi River, Niger Delta, Nigeria. four stations were chosen for the study for a period of four months to appreciate the level of pollution caused by total petroleum hydrocarbons in the river. The extraction of the samples were done by the use of Dichloromethane and soxhlet apparatus and then cleaned up for analysis. Gas Chromatography-Flame Ionisation Detector (GC-FID) was used for the analysis of the samples. The results of the analysis revealed that total petroleum hydrocarbon fractions ranged between not detected to 1.7555±0.24 mg/L, and total petroleum hydrocarbons ranged between 5.8351±0.145 to 8.0639±0.806 mg/L in the surface water of the stations and ranged between not detected to 1.9392±0.51 mg/L for the hydrocarbon fractions and the total ranged from 2,4758±0.119 to 10.0085±1.299 mg/L for the months. In the sediments, hydrocarbon fractions ranged between not detected to 6.5225±1.62 mg/Kg, and the total ranged between 16.5242±0.558 to 34.8146±5.01 mg/Kg in the stations and ranged between not detected to 9.4845±2.01 mg/Kg for the hydrocarbon fractions, while the total ranged between 17.6765±1.951 to 30.7649±6.586 mg/Kg in the months. In the surface water GRO ranged between 0.0068±0.00 to 1.0285±0.46 mg/L, DRO; 3.3578±0.043 to 5.8944±0.728 mg/L and Lube oil ranged between 1.1796±0.038 to 2.8968±0.123 mg/L in the stations and in the months, GRO; not detected to 1.3009±0.075 mg/L, DRO; 1.1749±0.044 to 7.2128±1.236 mg/l. In the sediments, GRO; not detected to 5.7613±0.195 mg/Kg, DRO; 11.5140±0.350 to 27.9502±4.777 mg/Kg, Lube oil; 1.1031±0.038 to 4.1914±0.202 mg/Kg in the stations and in the months, GRO; 0.1704±0.001 to 4.0760±0.126 mg/Kg, DRO; 12.9612±1.377 to 26.7806±6.50 mg/Kg and Lube oil; 0.5633±0.002 to4.5449±0.573 mg/Kg. Although the presence of total petroleum hydrocarbons is within acceptable limits of DPR, FME and EGAPSIN in the Edagberi River, adequate steps need to be taken to forestall any impending danger that its presence may pose on the aquatic inhabitants.
Keywords: Edagberi River, sediments, surface water, total petroleum hydrocarbons, partition coefficient

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