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Trust and Commitment Determinants to The Level of Involvement of Youth Volunteers

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume III, Issue VII, July 2019 | ISSN 2454–6186

Trust and Commitment Determinants to The Level of Involvement of Youth Volunteers

Taufiq Azman M.T.A.1, Aziz Amin2
1,2Faculty of Applied Social Science, University Sultan Zainal Abidin, Kuala Nerus, Terengganu, Malaysia.

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract— Youth involvement in volunteer program should be eeply attentive as the volunteer activities are undertaken without involvement from the youth is less likely to achieve the objective of the study. The issue of conversation is where youths calling volunteers to run for a program. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the level of involvement of youth in voluntary activities through a belief and commitment approach. The study was conducted using a qualitative approach. The research design used in the survey. This study was conducted in the State of Terengganu and its focus was on two districts in the northern part of Terengganu, Setiu and Besut. The number of respondents involved was 100 respondents and the amount used was sufficient to represent others. A questionnaire was used in this study. The researcher used Volunteer Function Inventory questionnaire as the instrument for this study by Clary & Snyder, (1999) and was modified to suit the study. The data obtained were analyzed using Package for Social Science (SPSS) software to obtain percentage, frequency and mean. The analysis method used is descriptive statistical analysis.

Keywords: youth, volunteers, level of involvement, trust, commitment


Volunteers are inherent in most individuals since building a community. This voluntary activity can be a measure of the characteristics of a person or group. In his speech, British Prime Minister Sir Winston Churchill said: “We live by what we can, but we build life with what we give”. The spirit of volunteerism that is present among youths today is indispensable for the country today. This is a reflection on the country that the people themselves have the identity and spirit of being a responsible citizen. Recently, there are many common issues in our country such as environmental pollution, flood, low level of education and social problems among the people. It is clear that the requires youth in partnership with the government to address this problem. As a result, the involvement of youth in voluntary activities is seen as very important today. [1] and [2]show that the spirit and involvement of volunteers can be regarded as the high values that must exist in today’s younger generation. Therefore, in this chapter, this will lead to a discussion on the level of involvement of youth volunteers through the belief and commitment approach in Setiu and Besut, Terengganu.

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