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Unemployment and its Effects on the Institution of Marriage: A Sociological Study of Baramulla District

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume III, Issue II, February 2019 | ISSN 2454–6186

Unemployment and its Effects on the Institution of Marriage: A Sociological Study of Baramulla District

Zubair Ahmad Bhat

IJRISS Call for paper

Research Scholar, Barkatullah University Bhopal M.P India

Abstract: The social life and other social institutions of Muslims are based on the Islam, the Quran and the teachings of the Prophet Mohammad PBUH are the main sources of Muslim culture and traditions. But throughout the world the customs and traditions of Muslims are not the same as several other factors determine the conduct of life in the contemporary society. The Muslim communities in India are deeply influenced by the Hindu customs and in the valley of Kashmir the changes are evident as marriage patterns among the Kashmiri Muslims have changed after the accession of the state with the union of India. According to Islamic law every Muslim who is adult (age of puberty) 15 years old is fit for getting married. In past the average age of marriage among the Muslim boys in the valley was 18-22 and in case of girls it was 15-20 as marriage was mostly arranged by the parents and other members of the family. The family while arranging the marriage looked for the property of the family and their social status, the number of domestic animals, agricultural land etc were the areas of investigation. However from the last three decades the perceptions of the youth changed due to various socio-cultural and political developments in the state. The growth and expansion of education among the youth, particularly among girls have deeply affected the institution of marriage and other social institutions. The present study will highlight the relationship between the institution of marriage and employment of the youth in Kashmir.

Key words: Tradition, Transition, Aspirations, Gender, Employment.


Muslims use the word Nikah for marriage, Nikah is an Arabic word which literally means sensual union of man and woman. Among Muslim marriage is more a contract than a religious ceremony. Nikah or marriage is an unwritten contact the real intention of which is to produce children and declare them legal (D. Mulla). Muslim marriage is predominantly an agreement, whose intention is to give legal sanction to sexual relationships and producing children and to determine the rights and duties of the children in order to regulate social life. The patterns of marriage however are different from society to society; the Kashmiri Muslims marriages are very different from the marriage among the Muslims living in other parts of the country.

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