International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume III, Issue VIII, August 2019 | ISSN 2454–6186
Urbanization and Environmental Impact of Urban Sprawl in Ogu Town, Rivers State, Nigeria
Collins H. Wizor (PhD)1*, Gbenekanu Ledornu Mpigi2
1Department of Geography and Environmental Management, University of Port Harcourt, P.M.B 5323, Port Harcourt, Nigeria
2Development Planning Unit, University College, London
*Corresponding Author
Abstract:-This study focused on urbanization andenvironmental impact of urban sprawl in Ogu town, Rivers State, Nigeria. It essentially dealt with the issue of population explosion and ecological devastation in the study area. The thrust of the study is to examine the relationship between urban sprawl and environmental degradation. Ogu town is made up of 50 communities out of which 10 were selected for this study through random sampling technique. One hundred and fifty (150) respondents were selected from the 10 communities through stratified and systematic sampling method and questionnaires were prepared and administered to the respondents. Information from the respondents were analysed and tested by the use of pearson product moment correlation coefficient and validated with the student t-test. The hypothesis was to test the relationship between urban sprawl and Environmental degradation. The findings of the study showed among others that urban sprawl has significantly led to environmental degradation resulting to different environmental and Ecological problems in the area. To solve these problems, it was recommended that the principle of urban planning should be integrated in the planned discipline and planning of urban areas. Also, the place of EIA should be incorporated in the planning of urban area.
Keywords: Planning; UrbanSprawl; Environment; Impact; Nigeria
Urbanization, urban sprawls, poverty and slum are often connected, and posed major challenges to developed and developing nations alike, but these challenges are more pronounced in developing nations among which Nigeria is not immune. Urbanization has been a major demographic trend in Nigeria and most especially in the major cities across the country in the last half of the century because of the relative increase in both social and economic development that is presently resulting in the uncontrolled population growth of Nigerian major cities, some of which are manifesting in the unnecessary pressures on available infrastructure, environmental degeneration, traffic congestion, housing shortages and high level of crimes(Bakare, 2014).