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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume IV, Issue XI, November 2020 | ISSN 2454–6186

Use of Serials for Research by Postgraduate Students in University Libraries in Benue State, Nigeria

NYIYONGO, Teryima Victor1, Asen Anita Tersur (CLN)2, TOFI, Simon Ternenge (CLN)3
1,3Benue State School of Nursing, Makurdi, Nigeria
2HOD, Cataloguing and Classification Division, Library and Information Services, Benue State University, Makurdi, Nigeria

IJRISS Call for paper

ABSTRACT:- This study investigate use of serials for research by postgraduate students in university libraries in Benue State, Nigeria. The main purpose of the study was to determine the use of serials for research by postgraduate students in university libraries in Benue State, Nigeria. The study employed a survey research design where entire population of 387 library registered postgraduate students of 2015/2016 and 2016/2017 academic sessions in three (3) universities in Benue State was used for the study because the population is manageable and accessible to the researcher. Thus, there was no sample. Two (2) research questions were raised anda null hypothesis formulated in line with the objectives to guide the study. The research instruments was a structured questionnaire which was subjected to face and content validity. Cronbach Alpha method was used to determine the internal consistency of the questionnaire items and the analysis yielded a Cronbach Coefficient Alpha of 0.80. The questionnaire was administered by the researchers and a response rate of 387 (100%) was recorded. Data collected were analyzed using frequency counts, percentages (%), mean ( )and standard deviation (SD) to answer research questions while inferential statistics of Chi-square was used to test the null hypothesis at 0.05 level of significance. The result of the findings revealed that Serials were readily available for research activities in university libraries in Benue state. Findings also revealed that majority of the postgraduate students were challenged among others, by difficulty in locating needed serials, inadequate storage facilities; journals articles not indexed for easy access and inadequate power supply; lack of awareness of serial materials and poor attitude of library staff towards users. Results further revealed that the null hypothesis tested was rejected which implies that the opinions of postgraduate students differed significantly on the use of serials for research activities. Finally, conclusion and recommendations were made based on the findings of the study.

Keywords: Use, Serials, Research, Postgraduate students, University Libraries.

1.1 Introduction

Academic libraries are those libraries established, owned and funded by institutions of higher learning, that is, university libraries, polytechnic libraries, colleges of education libraries and colleges of agriculture libraries. As integral part of their parent institutions, they design their collections and services to meet the institutional progamme of the institution. The primary aims and objectives of academic libraries is to offer its users that is, students, academic staff and other members of the university community the academic, learning and research services in support of the programmes of the parent institution. To ensure that its services remain relevant in the institution, academic libraries provide maximum access to its collections in order to serve the information needs of the academic community. Consequently, this research is centered on the university libraries in Benue state. In this study, the researcher intends to critically examine the use of serials for research by postgraduate students in university libraries in Benue state. Postgraduate students are those who have finished their Bachelor Degree or Higher National Diploma programmes and are undergoing studies for more advanced programme. Postgraduate students include those who are running programmes in postgraduate diploma, master degree programmes, doctoral degree programmes and post-doctoral degree for higher qualifications. These categories of students’ uses library and mostly serials for carrying out their research activities which university library always strive to provide. Postgraduate students are those students who have completed their university degree or national diploma programme and are pursuing studies for a more advanced qualification. They constitute higher number of people carrying out research in university libraries in Benue state using mostly serials for their research activities. Universities are involved in teaching, research and publication. All over the world, according to Akintayo and Oghenekohwo in Akinbode and Nwalo (2017) university education has attracted significant interest as it serves as the only way of ensuring immediate changes and transformation in human and technological advancement. One of the preoccupations of university is research. Research, as pointed out by Ntiamoah Baidu in Akinbode and Nwalo (2017) is the engine that generates new knowledge and provides ideas for national development. The outcome of research is usually published. Ogbomo (2010) maintained that publication is essential for problem-solving, leading to dynamism in library services as a response to changing times and environment. To be able to carry out a meaningful research, the researcher must be