RSIS International

Utilization of Play Resources in the Teaching Numeracy Skills: A Case of Pre-Primary Schools in Bungoma South, Bungoma County, Kenya

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume III, Issue VII, July 2019 | ISSN 2454–6186

Utilization of Play Resources in the Teaching Numeracy Skills: A Case of Pre-Primary Schools in Bungoma South, Bungoma County, Kenya

Otinga P. Wokila, Dr. Ong’ang’a H. M. Ouko

IJRISS Call for paper

Kenyatta University, P.O Box 43844-00100, Nairobi Kenya

Abstract: – Play is essential tool for pre-school program curriculum that provides opportunities to establish knowledge, comprehension and skills through a range of contexts covering all subjects in the curriculum. In this regard, the purpose of this study was to identify the forms of play materials employed in the teaching of numeracy skills in pre-primacy school centres in Bungoma Sub-County. The study used both quantitative and qualitative research design. The target population comprised of all pre-primary children and pre-primary school teachers. Questionnaires and observation schedules were used for data collection. The research instruments were piloted in two public and one private institution that were not included in the sample study. The collected data was cleaned, edited and coded as per the themes that emanated for the study objective. The quantitative data was analyzed and presented using descriptive statistics such as frequency and percentages. Qualitative data derived from open-ended responses were presented in narrative form. The study established that majority of teachers reported that their schools had play corners, bottle tops and balls. However, such play materials as beanbags, swings and sand play areas were not sufficient in schools yet they were crucial in teaching early numeracy skills. The study concluded that factors such as availability of play materials was statistically significant (p-value<0.05). The null hypothesis (H1) was rejected. The study recommended that school management should create adequate learning environment for the children, which should be made conducive environment for learning. Every pre-school should be provided with a numeracy skills laboratory equipped with all necessary materials for teaching and learning numeracy skills. The study is of significant to the Ministry of Education, Kenya Institute f Curriculum Development (KICD), publishers and developers of early childhood education materials and teachers as well as ECDE institutions’ sponsors.

Keywords: Play Materials, Acquisition, Numeracy Skills, Pre-primary School Children


Play provides a setting for children to access the content of the curriculum through which they organize and make sense of their social world as they actively participate in learning. In this regard, children who involve in quality play experiences are more likely to acquire quality developed numerical memory skills than those who are not subjected to play-based learning (Sandlie, 2013).

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