International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume III, Issue VII, July 2019 | ISSN 2454–6186
Dorice Wanyonyi Nasumbwa, Ong’ang’a HM Ouko
Kenyatta University, P.O Box 43844-00100, Nairobi, Kenya
Abstract:-The purpose of this study was to investigate the pre-school teachers’ utilization of teaching/learning resources to develop literacy skills among preschoolers in Bungoma County. The researcher used a cross-sectional survey approach. The study targeted a population of 290 schools from both private and public schools. Stratified sampling strategy was used to proportionally select a total of 29 ECD centres, a representation of 10% of the targeted schools. Two (2) teachers were picked from each of the fourteen schools selected to participate in the study leading to a total of 58 ECDE teachers. Purposive sampling procedure was used in the study to select all the 14 head teachers from the selected schools. Questionnaires comprising of both open-ended and closed ended inquiries and semi structured interview schedules were used to collect primary data. Qualitative and quantitative data analyses were used throughout the survey. Information was collected through open-ended questions in the questionnaires. Statistical package for social science (SPSS) version was used for data organization. Findings revealed that teaching and learning materials were not sufficient in most primary schools under study. The study concluded that majority of schools did not have resources for teaching and learning literacy skills. However, among the schools which were reported to have such teaching/learning resources did not have sufficient resources for teaching and learning. The overall mean of below 3.0 (mean<3.0) implied that teaching and learning resources were not adequately utilized by teaching in instruction of languages in primary schools under study. The study recommended that the school administration need to push the language department should form departmental guidance and counselling committee composed of HoD language and two teachers. It is recommended that that all stakeholders should be involved in implementation of ECD programmes. These include government, local councils, traditional leaders, political leaders, private sector as well as parents.
Keywords: Teaching/Learning Materials, Literacy Skills, Pre-primary School Children