RSIS International

Value stream and Waste Analysis in the Tempe Production System in Trenggilis Kauman Surabaya

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume III, Issue XII, December 2019 | ISSN 2454–6186

Value stream and Waste Analysis in the Tempe Production System in Trenggilis Kauman Surabaya

Soffia Pudji Estiasih1, Lulus Margiati2, Tri Titut Rahayu Ningsih3, Rahaju Saraswati4
1,2,3Postgraduate Program University of WR Supratman Surabaya, Indonesia
4Industrial Engineering University of WR Supratman Surabaya, Indonesia

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract: As Indonesia’s favorite food, Tempe-making centers can be found in almost every region. No exception in Surabaya, East Java. One of the biggest tempe centers in the City of Heroes is in the Tenggilis District. Tenggilis Kauman, an area in the east of Surabaya, has been a long time until now many of its citizens produce tempeh so that the area is known as a village of tempe. It is estimated that there are approximately 20 MSMEs (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises) that produce tempe. The problem often faced by tempe entrepreneurs in Trenggilis Kauman is an inefficient production system, there is still a lot of waste and non value added activity that occurs in the tempe value chain flow. Waste waiting, defective products, excess production and inventory still occur frequently. Because of this condition, researchers conducted lean manufacturing studies and tempe business models to revitalize the small-scale Tempe Industry in Trenggilis Kauman Surabaya. The purpose of this study is to identify wasteworkshop and minimize activities that have no added value to the tempe production system in Trenggilis Kauman Surabaya.
The method used in this research is Waste workshop identification, Value Stream Analysis Tool (VALSAT) and Canvas Business Model. Waste workshopquestionnaire is used to identify the type of waste that often occurs in the process of production of tempe in the village of Tempe Trenggilis Kauman Surabaya. Value Stream analysis Toll is used to determine the mapping tool that will be used to map activities, lead time, demand, production quantities, defective products in the tempe production system. While the CANVAS business model is used to restructure the tempe business process in Trenggilis KaumanSurabaya.
Based on the workshop waste questionnaire, it is known that the most frequent waste in the tempe production system in Trenggilis Kauman Surabaya is the type of waste waiting and excessive transportation activities.Based on the process activity mapping in the tempe production process above it is known that the value-added activity is 62.5 %, while the non-value added activity for the tempe production process in Trenggilis Surabaya is 37.5 %.For the tempe business model in Trenggilis Kauman Surabaya, it is necessary to continuously innovate to adjust to the conditions of the Tempe business competition level both in Indonesia and in the World

Keywords: tempeindustry, waste, VALSAT, tempe business model

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