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Vigilance Against Biological Weapons and War Crimes, 2000-2010

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume VI, Issue I, January 2022 | ISSN 2454–6186

Vigilance Against Biological Weapons and War Crimes, 2000-2010

Dhiah Ayu Duwi Wahyuni, Sutrimo Sumarlan, I Wayan Midhio
Program in Universal War Strategy, Faculty of Defense Strategy, Defense University

IJRISS Call for paper


The rapid development of technology has both positive and negative impacts in the field of defense. With the rapid development a country is required to update or upgrade its defense system in order to keep up with the development of the world. The study discusses how the state’s vigilance efforts in the face of weapons and war crimes. In this study using qualitative descriptive methods. According to Sugiono descriptive method is research that describes a state or object that is studied as is according to the situation and conditions at the time of peelitian. The research approach used to facilitate this research is a statutory approach commonly called the Statute Approach, as well as data collection by conductinglibrary research and online search through sites relevant to the topic studied (online search). Biological weapons are one of the real threats that since World War I and until now there is no clarity. Setting sanctions for violating countries, the establishment of bilogi weapons control agencies is a necessity, considering that many countries have laboratories that are deliberately made for research. Arrangements or through agreements made to override the principle of state sovereignty for states indicated to intentionally use or even deploy such biological weapons.

Keywords: Vigilance, War Crimes, Biological Weapons.

Vigilance is a quality of preparedness possessed by a country to detect, anticipate early and take preventive measures against various forms and properties of potential threats to the country. Vigilance can also be interpreted as an attitude in relation to nationalism built from the care and responsibility of a citizen to the survival of society, nation and state from a threat (Riyanto, 2017).One of the threats that need to be wary of the state is the presence of biological weapons and war crimes. Biological weapons are weapons that use toxins or pathogens in the form of bacteria, viruses, or other disease-producing organisms that are used as tools to kill, injure, or incapacitate enemies. This biological weapon attacks not only humans, but also animals and plants(The Hidden Weapon, Senjata Biologis Halaman All – Kompasiana, n.d.)

International law governs relations between international communities globally aimed at the realization of justice in international relations and creating good and orderly international relations. International law also regulates matters that are allowed and prohibited in war or commonly referred to as the law of war or humanitarian law(International Committee of the Red Cross, 1949). This is contained in the Geneva Conventions of 1925. Of course, the convention can be a reference for every country in acting during war. The Convention prohibits the use of biological weapons in warfare, as it includes an extraordinary crime that causes mass death and includes human rights violations.

From the background above, it can be rumored that the problem is that how is the state’s vigilance efforts in the face of biological weapons and war crimes?


This research was conducted to find out how a country’s attitudes and efforts in dealing with the threat of biological weapons and war crimes. This research uses this type of literature study research with a qualitative approach. Through literature studies explore and look for the basics of reference that are closely related to the research problem to be done. These basics are not limited to one source but can be searched from various sources which are then compiled in their own sections. Data sources are obtained by collecting data from readers, researching and recording and studying books and documents related to biological weapons and war crimes in a national vigilance review(Abdullah, 2015).



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