International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume II, Issue XII, December 2018 | ISSN 2454–6186
Will the Christians Balance; Exploring the Socio-Economic Collaboration within the House of Faith
Rev. Dr. Manya Wandefu Stephen
Alupe University College, Kenya
Abstract:-Collaboration of Churches among themselves is an expression of adherence and response to the truths shared in the Bible. This paper aims to encourage all the parties living and working particularly in the urban Church to consider the outcome of their ministry in an economically divided society. The disparity between the urban rich Church and the poor Church is a representative of the actual life in the Christendom. It is important to have an urban Church that is conscious of the gap between the rich and the poor and the subsequent action influenced by the realization that the gap is a denial of the Theology of the Kingdom of God. The writing of this paper was informed by the widening gap between the rich and the poor Churches within the house hold of faith. convinced that out there, there is less interaction between the rich and the poor churches. The poor church had limited access to resources for economic development. I would therefore suggest that; rich churches need to strategically engage the poor churches to prompt collaborative measures. Poor churches on the other hand, must seek ways in which to work with their rich counterparts for the furtherance of the Kingdom of God.
The concern for social -economic collaboration between churches is not a new phenomenon. It is a discourse that is emphasized Biblically and historically.It evolves when the tenets inscribed both in the history of the Church and the Bible are allowed to flourish. The realization of the same in Christian kingdom is attained when better economic and social improvements are laid down. Robert Clouse quoting Griffiths says of Christianity as that which starts with faith in Christ and it finishes with service in the world. He notes that, although service is not its object, it is nevertheless, its inevitable consequences. He adds that obedience to Christ demands change, the world becomes his world, the poor, the weak and the sufferings are men, women and children created in His image; injustice is an affront to his creation.