International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume III, Issue IX, September 2019 | ISSN 2454–6186
Women Empowerment in the Sokoto Caliphate
Tambari Abbas Bashar, Ph.D
Department of Islamic Studies, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Nigeria
It is the western world that brought out the concept of empowerment of women. Therefore, those aspects of women empowerment must reflect the ideology of the west. In most cases, women empowerment in the western world is restricted to promotion of material gain through economic (physical) empowerment only. According to the western world, women are to be empowered economically through upgrading and uplifting the standard of living of women, by giving them more economic power to satisfy or attain higher level of satisfaction (utility) in their consumption pattern better than before. This will lead them to consume more and more of what they have been consuming before and even engage in the consumption of they were not consuming in the past. Thus, there is upliftment in the standard of living, getting out of poverty, no matter how little it may be.
In order to give them this economic power, women should be given all the available opportunities to get that economic power (money), so that they consume all what they want to consume. This economic power can be given to them through education, skill acquisition, capacity building, training in various professional trades, occupations and much enlightenment. Acquiring all these activities will allow women to engage in all kinds of professions and business activities, which men engage. In some instances, they will even be able to compete with men in various and different professions and occupations.
Now, if women acquire education, skill acquisition, capacity building, training in various professional trades, occupations and various enlightenments, they will either be employed by public or private organizations. And, will consequently, earn salary or allowances, so that they will be able to buy and consume more and more of western commodities. This will give the West more money and economic power. Thus, indirectly empowering the west, instead of women as they claimed.