International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume VII, Issue IX, September 2020 | ISSN 2321–2705
Zakat Behavior Factors with Approach Theory of Planned Behavior of Purbalingga District
Anton Hindardjo1, Sarwo Edy Handoyo2, Muhammad Doddy3, Adrial4, Asrul Sani5 and Nurul Ummah6
1,3,6School of Islamic Economic – SEBI, Jakarta, Indonesia
2Tarumanegara University, Jakarta Indonesia
4Muhammadiyah Tangerang University, Jakarta Indonesia
5School of Management and Computer Science, Jakarta Indonesia
Corresponding author*
Abstract: – This study aims to examine the behavior of zakat compliance in Purbalingga District using Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB). This study uses a questionnaire and data analysis used Structure Equation Model. The Questionnaire was distributed and 104 data were obtained, but only 99 data could be analyzed. The results of the study stated that subjective norms and perceived behavioral control significantly influence the intention of zakat behavior. While attitudes toward behavior are not included as determinants of the intention of zakat behavior. The perceived behavioral control can directly influence the behavior of paying zakat. And intentions are mediations of behavior.
Keywords: Attitudes, Subjective Norms, Control of Perceived Behavior, Behavior Intentions
The problem of poverty has always gained major attention in Indonesia. This occurs because of the Government’s awareness that the failure to overcome the problem of poverty will lead to the emergence of various social, economic, and political issues in the midst of society (Purwanto, 2007). One example of poverty level is in Purbalingga district to be polemic with percentage number of 15.05% (Widiyatmo & Sasongko, 2019). It is necessary to get special attention to the Government of Purbalingga district.
In this case one of the instruments that is considered effective in reducing poverty is zakat. In addition to being the third Islamic pillars that must be obeyed, zakat also has a relationship of mutual help between fellow Muslims who are less capable. Zakat can also be one of the alternative solutions that significantly contribute to the security and social harmonization by reducing the gap between the people who are capable and incapacitated (Manara, Permata, & Pranjoto, 2018) with mustahik Empowerment (the person who received zakat) through productive zakat program able to positively impact the basic problem of poverty, namely the decline in poverty and reduce the income gap (Firmansyah, 2017)