International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume V, Issue I, January 2018 | ISSN 2321–2705
Dhiresh Kumar Pathak1, H.S.Chaudhary2, Aditi Chaudhary3
1CET-IILM, Academy of Higher Learning, Knowledge Park – II , 17, 18, Greater Noida – 201306 India
2,3 Department of Chemistry, Amardeep College, Firozabad-283203 India
Abstract:-Density, viscosity and Ultrasonic velocity measurements have been used to calculate Isentropic Compressibility (βS) , Intermolecular free length (Lf) , Ultrasound velocity (V) , Density (ρ) , Excess Viscosity (η) , Shear’s Relaxation Time (τs) of solution of Di Methyl Phenyl Amine in aqueous organic solvent as Di ethyl Ether. In each case ultrasound velocity increase and isentropic compressibility (βS) Decreases, Intermolecular free length (Lf) Decreases, Density (ρ) increase and viscosity increases with increases in molar concentration of Di Methyl Phenyl Amine. The Result has been interpreted in terms of ion-solvent interaction on the basis of acoustic properties.
Key Words: – Di Methyl Phenyl Amine, Di Ethyl Ether
Di Methyl Phenyl Amine – Any class of Aromatic yellow compounds including several that are important as anti-oxidants; use in making dyes. Present work covers extensive survey of physio-chemical and solvolytic studies of Di Methyl Phenyl Amine in aqueous organic solvent Di ethyl Ether. Present work is reporting of the dissolved ion with water molecules and reporting the finding of a study of a ultrasound velocity, density and viscosity measurement to calculate isentropic compressibility (βS) , intermolecular free length (Lf) , molar volume (Mv) , Shear’s Relaxation Time (τs) of Di Methyl Phenyl Amine in Di Ethyl Ether.
Such Solvent (Di Ethyl Ether) system study at various temp. (200C, 250C, 300C) with various parameter.
Wave interferometric technique was employed for the measurement of ultrasonic Velocity. The Density and Viscosity were determined using a Pyknometer. The Experiment was Repeated and result were reproducible with experimental error of 0.0002 KgM-3 and 0.0002 mPas respectively.