RSIS International

Reduced Switches Multi Level Inverter

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International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume V Issue I, January 2018 | ISSN 2321–2705

Reduced Switches Multi Level Inverter

M.V.Vinod Kumar1, Chv. Madhu2, D. Sundara Sekhar3, V.R.Kondala Rao4, K.S.Rama Krishna5, Chls Kumar6, Y Sunil Kumar7
1 Assistant Professor, Dept.:-Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Akrgcet, India
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 B-Tech Student, Dept.:-Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Akrgcet, India

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract: Now a days a Multilevel inverter topologies are used as static VAR compensators, high voltage grid interconnections and variable speed motor drives. The Multilevel inverter performance is high compared to the conventional two level inverters due to their reduced harmonic distortion and less amount electromagnetic interference. In this scenario, Cascaded H Bridge MLI is preferred and the performance of the inverter can be improved by using different pulse width modulation techniques. The main disadvantage of the Cascaded MLI is complexity, requiring a great number of power devices and passive components, and a rather complex control circuitry. So in order to overcome the complexity nature the reduced switches multi-level inverters are proposed in this paper. So that the topology and the proposed topology multi-level inverters are compared with the Cascaded H bridge MLI. These methods are modeled by using the MATLAB/SIMULINK and the THD of these inverters are compared.

Index Terms – cascade inverter, multilevel, PWM, and THD.


The voltage source inverters produce an output voltage or current with levels either 0 or ±Vdc. They are known as the two- level inverter. To produce a quality output voltage or a current wave form with less amount of ripple content, they require high switching frequency. In high- power and high voltage applications these two level inverters, however, have some limitations in operating at high frequency mainly due to switching losses and constraints of device ratings. These limitations can be overcome using multilevel inverters. There are 3 types of multilevel inverters named as diode clamped multilevel inverter, flying capacitor multilevel inverter and cascaded multilevel inverter. These three types of multilevel inverters require more no. of components such as switches, clamping diodes and capacitors. As the number of voltage levels m grows the number of active switches increases according to 2×(m-1) for the cascaded H-bridge multilevel inverters. Multilevel inversion is a power conversion strategy in which the output voltage is obtained in steps thus bringing the output closer to a sine wave and reduces the total harmonic distortion (THD).