RSIS International

The Role of Pastors to Care for Their Congregations Both During Covid-19 Outbreak and After

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume IV, Issue XII, December 2020 | ISSN 2454–6186

The Role of Pastors to Care for Their Congregations Both During Covid-19 Outbreak and After

Yanto Paulus Hermanto
Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Kharisma Bandung, Jl. Mekar Laksana No.8 Bandung, Jawa Barat Indonesia

IJRISS Call for paper


Abstract: The role of pastors is very important to meet the needs of the congregation in the Covid-19 period and after. The formulation of the research problem is what pastors should do during a pandemic and afterwards for the congregation. The method to answer this problem formulation uses a qualitative approach by collecting several journals, books and Bible verses related to the formulation of the problem, then looking for similarities that allow it to answer this research problem. Thus, the correct answer is obtained and can be used as a guide for pastors during the Covid-19 period and after. There are five things that pastors can do from the results of this research that can meet the needs of the congregation both spiritually, the soul and physically.

Key words: Pastor’s Role, Covid-19, Spiritual Needs, Needs of the Soul, Physical Needs


During the current Covid-19 pandemic, there is a pattern of life that is different from before. So it is in the church. Pastors have difficulty how to keep paying attention and meeting the needs of their congregations properly. A church whose number of members is still small, of course, the problem is not too big compared to a church with thousands of members. However, there is a common problem, namely how the most effective way for the congregation to be shepherded properly in this pandemic condition.
Some pastors don’t know what to do in this time of pandemic. They want to make visits to the congregation, but the conditions are not possible. They made phone calls to the congregation, but it didn’t have a significant impact. Especially if the congregation has problems related to family relationships or financial problems or other problems that require special handling. This is the real problem for pastors who have the heart of a shepherd in this time of the pandemic.
In addition, the post-pandemic is a new challenge. Pastors must prepare strategies to have an impactful role for their congregations. The role of the post-pandemic pastor certainly has to be prepared from now on. If during a pandemic, pastors can play an effective role in caring for their congregations, then after the pandemic, the adjustment will be faster.